IPL Laser Hair Removal: What You Should Know (2024)

IPL laser hair removal devices are popular due to their convenience and affordability in the long run. You should invest in it if you need a lasting and pain-free solution. The results depend on your skin, hair type, and the quality of the device.

Let's get into more detail about home IPL treatment for hair removal.

What are At-Home IPL Devices

All devices are based on intense pulse light at home but differ in the other features and results. The best IPL device is the one that suits your budget, requirements, and skin.


Ulike has a classy and vibrant color. It is handy because Ulike has the right size, is lightweight, and has an ergonomic and sleek design. It costs you around $329, but you can get off and deals at their website. It works on the IPL technology like the other two options but has additional sapphire ice-cooling features. The cooling technology significantly lowers the burning or itching, making it suitable for sensitive areas like the face.

You can also adjust energy levels based on your skin sensitivity and requirements. It also has an auto glide feature, which makes the procedure easier and smoother. The Ulike device is FDA-cleared and claims visible results in 2 weeks.

2. Nood

The Nood Flasher is slightly larger than the Ulike IPL device. The white with gold touch looks good. It generally costs around $270, but you can get discounts on the website. This device does not have any cooling or auto-glide feature. So, there are no safety measures for the burning. You can stick to the low level to avoid burning.

It takes almost 10–15 minutes to complete one session using Nood flasher 2.0. It claims to provide results in 3 weeks.

3. Kenzzi

Kenzzi is the lightest among the three, but the product quality could be better. The size is big too, so it is difficult to handle. The price of Kenzzi is $370 and available with some off on it. This device also has cooling technology, but it is not very effective. You cannot bear the highest intensity, so using it at low intensity is better. The device has an additional auto glide feature.

The device comes with extra age and acne spot attachments. So, you can use it everywhere. It can show results in 3 weeks and takes 15 minutes for one laser session.

At-Home IPL vs. Salon Laser Hair Removal

Both at-home IPL and Salon laser hair removal are effective. The difference is the source of light and the area they target. IPL uses a less specific light source, while salon lasers use broad-spectrum light with multiple wavelengths. It makes Laser treatment more concentrated. However, with the concentration of light, there are also chances of irritation. IPL devices target hair and surrounding skin melanin. So, the light is not very concentrated and doesn't irritate the skin.

Laser removes hair faster, while IPL devices take slightly more time. But do you know what? You get more than just hair removal with IPL hair removal devices. These devices also work on rosacea, pigmentation, and acne scars.

At-home IPL devices are more convenient and less expensive than Salon laser treatments. You can use it yourself just following the instructions at home. It is also affordable in the long run because you buy a device and can use it for unlimited sessions. Salon laser treatment is only effective if you are considering an experienced dermatologist and well-known salons. If not, you can face severe side effects of laser hair removal. In the case of IPL devices, even if you are a beginner using them for the first time, you'll not face any side effects.

Ulike Air 3 —a cost-effective alternative to salon hair removal treatments >>

At-Home IPL vs. Shaving

IPL Laser Hair Removal: What You Should Know (1)

Shaving and at-home IPL devices are two very different procedures. Both treatments have different audiences based on their preferences. Shaving is for those who want quick and temporary results, whereas IPL devices are for long-lasting results.

When you shave, razors remove the hair from the surface and don't affect the hair follicle. So, the hair grows faster, and you have to shave again after some time. The IPL device destroys the hair follicle and removes the hair from the root. You'll see your hair falling after the IPL hair removal session. It is almost a permanent treatment.

There are no significant downsides to IPL devices, whereas shaving sometimes leads to ingrown hair and strawberry skin. These conditions cause little red bumps on the skin and irritation.

Shaving is undoubtedly cheaper, but you have to do it repeatedly. IPL hair removal device is expensive compared to shaving but gives better and long-lasting results. So, once you get results after using an IPL device, you don't have to rush to shave before every function or just for hygiene.

Therefore, you should go for IPL at-home devices to eliminate excessive hair with negligible side effects and more benefits. Ulike Air 3 is a good choice!

At-home IPL vs. Waxing

For waxing, you need sticky wax and a cloth. The wax is heated and applied to the skin, and then the cloth is placed over it. The hair comes out of the skin when you pull out the strip with some strength. The pulling part is painful and sometimes causes inflammation of the skin. Waxing is better than shaving and epilator as it lasts longer than them. However, you have to go through pain and a messy procedure for waxing. You will have hair regrowth after 3–4 weeks as it does not destroy the hair root and pulls it out.

An at-home IPL device is much better than waxing as it is not messy and almost painless. You might feel a slight tingling, but there are no extreme wear and tear like waxing. It also does not cause inflammation, irritation, burning, or skin damage. The results are also long-lasting.

With hair removal, at-home IPL devices will also help in skin lightening and hyperpigmentation, whereas waxing might cause pigmentation due to burning, ingrown hair, and red bumps.

Say goodbye to the hassle of waxing —try Ulike Air 3 for a painless and effective hair removal experience!

At-Home IPL vs. Electrolysis Hair Removal

Electrolysis is a salon procedure in which the expert inserts a probe and connects it with the hair follicles. The electric current completely cuts down the hair follicle, so it is much more targeted. It provides long-lasting results but with pain, time, and, yes, much money. If you are targeting a large area, it will take a lot of time and cost around $50 to $200.

After investing so much, you will still be unsure about the cons of this procedure. You can get skin burning, swelling, and acne.

In contrast, the IPL hair removal device is affordable, more effective, and far more painless than electrolysis. A standard IPL hair removal device costs around $170 to $300, much less than electrolysis. Moreover, there are comparatively no to fewer side effects of IPL hair removal devices. You will not face acne and swelling. It is also suitable for all skin types.

The Pros and Cons of At-Home IPL Hair Removal

Pros of At-Home IPL Hair Removal

1. Long-lasting hair removal results

The IPL hair removal device kills the hair follicles. So, you will see your hair falling out of the skin after some time. The results are not instant as the hair goes through a growth cycle, so some hair grows back, and you need another session to remove it. The results are not entirely permanent and depend on the body's mechanism and genetics.

2. Safe to use at home

Many people are confused about whether IPL is safe to use. The IPL hair removal devices are safe to use at home. It has a built-in cooling chamber that cools your skin while removing hair with flashing. You must use it patiently and focus on pre and post-skin care.

3. Non-invasive treatment

Most hair removal methods are invasive and penetrate something into your skin. The IPL hair removal devices work on the skin, so there are no chances of cancer or any other severe condition. This makes the device suitable for most people and skin types.

4. Comfortable and almost painless

IPL hair removal method works on the hair pigment using flashes. Many people feel uncomfortable when something is inserted into the skin. As there are no underskin procedures, it is comfortable and almost painless.

Don't miss your chance to Try Ulike Air 3 —Best at home IPL hair removal device >>

Cons of At-Home IPL Hair Removal Device

1. Results may vary based on hair type.

IPL hair removal device works better on darker hair than lighter. Dark hair absorbs more light, so it falls out soon after the treatment, while light hair might take longer.

2. It may not suit some due to medical conditions.

If you have a medical condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, or any specific allergy, you should consult a doctor before using this device. It might not suit you.

Is At-Home IPL Worth Trying?

Yes. The at-home IPL hair removal devices are worth every penny and time. You need precision, which will come with time. You can check with the dermatologist or practitioner if you are unsure. However, you can go for it without any problem.

The key is to start with a non-sensitive and smaller area and then move on to sensitive and private areas. Moreover, you can maximize the benefits and minimize the risks with proper before and aftercare.

One thing that also matters the most is the quality of the IPL device you are using. You can go for a Ulike IPL device if you prefer quality products and want safe hair removal at home.


You will love at-home IPL devices if you want almost permanent and nearly painless treatment. People with dark hair (more melanin) can see more visible results than less melanin hair. You can try it if you have patience while using these devices and wait for the results for 2–3 weeks. The product choice depends on your budget, but the better the device, the better the results and fewer drawbacks.

IPL Laser Hair Removal: What You Should Know (2024)


IPL Laser Hair Removal: What You Should Know? ›

Avoid tanning booths, sunbeds, spray tans and tanning creams. Ensure there are no open wounds, broken skin, or inflamed areas on the skin you're planning to treat. Avoid intense exfoliation treatments, such as microdermabrasion, as this increases the risk of inflammation and side effects after your IPL hair removal.

What precautions should be taken during IPL hair removal? ›

Avoid tanning booths, sunbeds, spray tans and tanning creams. Ensure there are no open wounds, broken skin, or inflamed areas on the skin you're planning to treat. Avoid intense exfoliation treatments, such as microdermabrasion, as this increases the risk of inflammation and side effects after your IPL hair removal.

How do I get the best results from IPL hair removal? ›

For best results, IPL treatments should be repeated every fortnight, up to six times. You will start to see results after the third treatment. A treatment schedule can help you maintain this rhythm. This is especially helpful if you're treating different areas of your body.

What do I need to know before IPL treatment? ›

You can take several steps before the day of your first IPL appointment to ensure excellent results.
  • Avoid sun exposure: Don't tan or expose your skin to direct sunlight at least two weeks before your procedure. ...
  • Quit smoking: If you are a smoker, we request that you stop this habit before and after your IPL treatment.

What do I need to know about IPL hair removal at home? ›

Answer: IPL is not suitable for everyone. It is most effective on light to medium skin tones with hair ranging from natural blonde to dark brown or black. The device is not effective on very blonde, red, grey or white hair where the smaller amount of melanin would not absorb the light energy.

What are the do's and don'ts of IPL? ›

Pre & Post treatment advice
  • Please be aware that we cannot treat you if you; ...
  • Shave Before Your Appointment. ...
  • Remove all Fake Tan. ...
  • Avoid Plucking Or Waxing For 4 Weeks Before Treatment. ...
  • Exfoliate Every Day* ...
  • Avoid The Sun Or UV Exposure. ...
  • Wash off all Creams & Deodorants*

Why can't you shower after IPL? ›

After IPL, your skin will be hypersensitive, especially to heat. Avoid hot baths and showers. A warm shower should be tolerable, but make sure the water is not directly hitting the skin. Only wash treated areas with cool or lukewarm water for the first two to three days.

Can I use IPL on pubic hair? ›

Compared to traditional shaving, one of the great advantages of IPL for pubic hair is that it helps you to avoid ingrown hairs. In addition, with IPL, you can achieve long-term results, provided you repeat the treatment regularly.

Do you shave every time before IPL? ›

You won't have to worry about this with IPL, as you're actually advised to shave before treatment.

How to tell if an IPL is working? ›

You will notice that the hair growth after four weeks of IPL treatment will be lesser and thinner. After completing a session of 12 weeks, the hair growth will reduce completely, providing you with silky, smooth skin for a longer time. However, you may have to continue touch-ups as needed.

What is the downside of IPL treatment? ›

Although side effects of IPL are typically rare and minimal in severity, the most common adverse events include pain and erythema. Other reported side effects include edema, bullae, hematoma, crusting, hyper- or hypopigmentation, leukotrichia, scarring, keloid formation, and infection.

Who should avoid IPL? ›

Pregnant women and people who are on blood thinners, for example, should avoid IPL. Other factors that make people unsuitable for IPL treatment include: currently or recently taking the acne drug Accutane. having active acne.

Who is not a candidate for IPL? ›

People with tanned or darker skin tones may not be good candidates for IPL procedures. Other treatments, such as RF microneedling, might provide a safer, more effective option. Patients with deep wrinkles, severe acne, or deep scars may find that laser treatments might produce better results.

What happens if you don't shave for IPL? ›

If you forget to shave, the effectiveness of your treatment may diminish. The laser, instead of focusing on the follicles, might target surface hair.

What happens if you don't remove hair before IPL? ›

Quite simply the hair will absorb the energy that was meant to penetrate under the skin in the first place. The energy would burn the hair, leaving the skin with marks and scarring. While wasting away on the surface level of the skin.

Can you do full Brazilian with IPL at home? ›

You can use at-home IPL devices on any area of the body where hair is found, whether that means treating your facial hair or giving yourself a full Brazilian, according to Dr. Shirazi.

Do you need safety glasses for IPL hair removal? ›

If you're using an at-home IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) machine, you might wonder whether you need to wear protective glasses. The short answer is absolutely yes.

What happens if you don't shave properly before IPL? ›

If you forget to shave, the effectiveness of your treatment may diminish. The laser, instead of focusing on the follicles, might target surface hair. This can lead to heightened discomfort, potential stinging, and a risk of burns. Surface impurities like dirt and oil can also reduce efficacy.

What are the restrictions after IPL treatment? ›

For at least 24 hours following your IPL treatment, it's advised to avoid products high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. This includes skincare items containing alpha-hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and Benzoyl peroxide. These substances can irritate the skin, which is more sensitive after IPL.

Who is not suitable for IPL hair removal? ›

While IPL treatment is an easy, effective hair removal method for some, it unfortunately isn't suitable for darker tones of skin. This is because melanin pigments aren't just in our hair – they're also present in the skin, too. Darker skin contains more melanin than fair skin.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.