Is it impossible to play full screen if... Topic :: (2024)


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03/31/2011 05:08 AM

...the lowest resolution you can display is 800x600? Also is there a way to automatically open up a game in a smaller window mode besides opening it with an editor and running it? I don't mean adjusting the size of the screen when it is opened, but before it opens.

Edit: Engine is rm2k3



03/31/2011 05:10 AM

What engine? Sometimes there's a config file you can edit to make it windowed. Occasionally the classic ctrl-enter also works. And the best games have a "full-screen checkbox in an option menu somewhere"



03/31/2011 05:18 AM

Sorry, forgot to put engine.
Engine: rm2k3


( ̄▽ ̄)ノ De-facto operator of the unofficial RMN IRC channel.


03/31/2011 05:54 AM

The short answer is, yes, you can play in full screen even if Windows is telling you the lowest resolution it can go is 800x600.




03/31/2011 05:58 AM




Can't remember which one for which Rm.

03/31/2011 06:12 AM

The short answer is, yes, you can play in full screen even if Windows is telling you the lowest resolution it can go is 800x600.

Can you explain how? If I try to go full screen on my new monitor I get the following error:
directdraw error DDERR_EXCEPTION
Also all my stuff is up to date and directx features are all enabled. I have the latest directx as well. I can however play in window mode if I test the game in the editor.




Can't remember which one for which Rm.

The game automatically opens in full window. I'm asking if I can open it up in a small window automatically.


must be all that rtp in your diet


03/31/2011 06:27 AM

The short answer is, yes, you can play in full screen even if Windows is telling you the lowest resolution it can go is 800x600.
Can you explain how? If I try to go full screen on my new monitor I get the following error:
directdraw error DDERR_EXCEPTION
Also all my stuff is up to date and directx features are all enabled. I have the latest directx as well. I can however play in window mode if I test the game in the editor.



Can't remember which one for which Rm.

The game automatically opens in full window. I'm asking if I can open it up in a small window automatically.

Run the game from inside the editor


( ̄▽ ̄)ノ De-facto operator of the unofficial RMN IRC channel.


03/31/2011 06:31 AM

If memory serves, there were some command line parameters to run RPG_RT.exe windowed from outside the editor (more specifically, to run RPG_RT.exe in "game test" mode from outside the editor). I'd look at Cherry's posts here, I think he mentioned them in a topic in this section of the forums a long while ago.



03/31/2011 06:32 AM

A quick google gave me this:

(edit: And I tested it and it works wonderfully, just follow those instructions)



03/31/2011 06:41 AM

The short answer is, yes, you can play in full screen even if Windows is telling you the lowest resolution it can go is 800x600.

Can you explain how its possible to play full screen if my monitor doesn't support anything below 800x600?

A quick google gave me this:

(edit: And I tested it and it works wonderfully, just follow those instructions)

Thanks, I should now be able to play protected rm2k3 games. I couldn't before because the editor would crash if I opened the game in it and I can't play full screen because my monitor doesn't support the resolution.

Edit: I tried that method, but I don't think that works for my os(Windows 7).



03/31/2011 06:49 AM

The short answer is, yes, you can play in full screen even if Windows is telling you the lowest resolution it can go is 800x600.
Can you explain how its possible to play full screen if my monitor doesn't support anything below 800x600?

Usually it tends to automatically upscale it. Making it look a bit fuzzy at the edges (and generally fugly). But I guess there are certain drivers/cards (like yours apparently) that don't even support that.



03/31/2011 07:01 AM

Video_Caption: ATI Radeon HD 5900 Series
Video_AdapterRAM: 1024MB
Video_DriverVersion: 8.663.0.0

This is what I have.



03/31/2011 07:30 AM

I just downloaded one of cherry's patches which stretches the game to the resolution I have set, so I can now play in full screen. Also I'm still looking for a way to automatically open the game in window mode. I'd still like to know if its possible to play full screen if my monitor doesn't support anything lower then 800x600, that doesn't need patches to the engine.


( ̄▽ ̄)ノ De-facto operator of the unofficial RMN IRC channel.


03/31/2011 08:36 AM

Can you explain how its possible to play full screen if my monitor doesn't support anything below 800x600?

Fullscreen for RM2K(3) games is flakey depending on the driver/video card since the resolution is so small at 320x240. I personally don't have problems (though I did have problems on an older machine with an ATI video card; my current machine has an Nvidia), and that's why I said the short answer was "yes". The good news is that it isn't impossible, but I'm afraid you're going to have to experiment here.

Edit: I tried that method, but I don't think that works for my os(Windows 7).

Did you take note that the command line parameters need to be in a specific place (ie: first parameter, second parameter, etc.) for them to work? I doubt Windows 7 handles shortcuts differently from XP and older.



03/31/2011 08:56 AM

Yes, I read the comments below the tutorial, but it kept telling me invalid target. These are the parameters I added. "TestPlay""HideTitle""Window" I also tried changing them to every other possible order, but nothing worked just kept getting invalid target. Perhaps my .net framework is outdated? I doubt it thought, just got the computer a year ago.

Edit: I just checked I have the latest, so guess its not my .net framework.


( ̄▽ ̄)ノ De-facto operator of the unofficial RMN IRC channel.


03/31/2011 11:15 AM

"I:\RPG Maker 2000\Project\Moo\RPG_RT.exe" "TestPlay" "HideTitle" "Window"

The string above (replace the directory with your own), when given in the "Target" field, works out wonderfully.



03/31/2011 12:13 PM

Oh, I didn't space them. It works now thanks.

The short answer is, yes, you can play in full screen even if Windows is telling you the lowest resolution it can go is 800x600.
Can you explain how its possible to play full screen if my monitor doesn't support anything below 800x600?
Usually it tends to automatically upscale it. Making it look a bit fuzzy at the edges (and generally fugly). But I guess there are certain drivers/cards (like yours apparently) that don't even support that.

I don't think its my card because I can play full screen on my other two monitors. They both go up to 1920x1080 resolution. I don't use them because they're already in use.


( ̄▽ ̄)ノ De-facto operator of the unofficial RMN IRC channel.


04/01/2011 12:08 AM

Monitors also play a part since, in theory, a video card can render any resolution (or should, anyway), only being limited by the monitor the video card is attached to.

Obviously, if your video card wasn't up to par then that'd also be a problem, but it's probably not given your statement.

Best way is to simply experiment as I mentioned earlier; there's no universal solution since everyone's computer has an almost unique combination of hardware and software.


RPG Maker Bender


04/01/2011 06:53 AM


Because regularely people have problems with fullscreen, I created a tool called "AnotherFullscreenMode", which allows you to play any RM2k(3) game in fullscreen without changing the resolution - the image will be scaled. Additionally, you can use filters (Scale2x and hq2x) for a better quality.

First, start your game (in windowed mode, use the TestPlay ShowTitle Window thing mentioned earlier in this thread). Then start AnotherFullscreenMode. By pressing F6 you can switch between fullscreen and windowed mode, F7 shows or hides the FPS.

Using F8, you can set the filter: none -> Scale2x -> hq2x

Download the tool here:

PS: Here is an example how the hq2x filter looks for a RM2k3 game:

Is it impossible to play full screen if... Topic :: (12)


captain bluenose


04/01/2011 07:06 AM

hq2x... better quality.

something is amiss

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Is it impossible to play full screen if... Topic :: (2024)


How do I force RPGM to full screen? ›

Alternatively, you can press F1, and then a little menu thingy should pop up, and you can check 'Start in Full Screen Mode', and then it should always start in full screen.

What is the shortcut to make RPG Maker full screen? ›

Also, if you press ALT + ENTER, you can go in and out of fullscreen at any time.

How to make a game full screen? ›

Common shortcut keys include Alt + Enter or F11. Try pressing these keys while in the game to see if they toggle full screen mode.

What is the default screen size in RPG Maker? ›

If you're okay with the default resolution (816:624) but you don't want the player to watch at his own desktop while playing (especially if it's a horror game) you can simply install Yanfy's Core Engine plugin and set the Update Real Scale parameter to true.

How do I force full screen? ›

If you plan to go full screen often, remembering just one Windows keyboard shortcut will most likely get you there: F11. You'll find that key on the top row of the keyboard. With the app you want to use in full screen, open and in focus (select the window to focus on it), press F11 once to go into full-screen mode.

Why doesn't my game full screen? ›

Using the Alt + Enter keyboard shortcut is the easiest way to enter full-screen mode in your games. This hotkey is compatible with nearly every game on Windows. Hence, it's the first thing you should try. Pressing Alt + Enter again will switch your game back to windowed mode.

How to make a GameMaker game fullscreen? ›

To enable fullscreen in GameMaker, you can use the built-in GameMaker Language (GML) function window_set_fullscreen() .

How do you force a game to stay in full screen? ›

Press Alt + ↵ Enter .

How do I make games full screen without F11? ›

To full screen Windows 10 without using the F11 key, you can use the shortcut key combination “Windows Key + Shift + Enter”. This shortcut will instantly make the current window full screen without the need to press F11.

What aspect ratio are RPG Maker games? ›

A different aspect ratio can also be used, such as a resolution of 1920x1080, which is a 16:9 aspect ratio, versus the default aspect ratio of 1.3076.

What resolution does RPG Maker use? ›

The game will be launched in fullscreen with the chosen resolution. When overriding the default resolution (816x624), maintaining a ratio close to 16:9 is preferred in order to eliminate black bars on fullscreen mode because must modern screens use this ratio.

What format is RPG Maker? ›

RPG MAKER XP supports the PNG graphic format as well as MIDI, WAV, and Ogg Vorbis sound formats, making it easy to include your own original data.

How do I make my stick RPG full screen? ›

Click on the options button on the top-right of the screen once you've started a new game, or loaded your game. There's a slider thingy for fullscreen mode (as well as a graphics slider).

How do I make GameMaker full screen? ›

To enable fullscreen in GameMaker, you can use the built-in GameMaker Language (GML) function window_set_fullscreen() .

How do I enable full screen view? ›

How does my full screen work? The way a full screen works depends on what type of device you're using. On a desktop computer, simply pressing the 'F11' key will usually open an application in full screen mode. For web browsers, you may need to click on an icon in the corner to enter this mode.

How do I make my VM player full screen? ›

Procedure. To display the remote desktop or published application in full-screen mode, click the Open Menu button at the top of the sidebar and click Fullscreen. To exit from full-screen mode, click the Open Menu button at the top of the sidebar and click Quit fullscreen.


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