Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (2024)

Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (1)

In this article, I will present how to fix your Alto when not hitting.

The Vuse Alto vape pen is sleek and intuitive, with a light-up tip and a 0.5ml cartridge. Its auto-draw feature allows you to inhale from the pen to activate it, and the battery life will last for about 500 puffs.


The pen “s” lacks silver; the cartridges are in cherry or classic tobacco flavors. They have a 3% nicotine content, so they’re ideal. They want a minor nicotine hit without going overboard on their habit.

Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (2)

The pen is also compatible with Vuse’s new system, Vuse’s slots, which lets you swap out your cartridges without replacing the whole device. This is great if you want variety in flavors or to try out different strengths before committing yourself to one taste (or if you like having options).

When using Vuse Alto, you may notice that it doesn’t reproduce. This is because the device has a built-in sensor that detects when it is being used inside an enclosed area and automatically shuts down to prevent potential damage to your health or safety.

Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (3)

This feature protects you and others from secondhand smoke, which can cause serious health issues if exposed regularly. The Vuse Alto also has a battery-saving technology that shuts down after 20 seconds when it detects no activity. So you don’t have to worry about don’t battery life if you forget to turn it off!


However, “th” re the “em” s when your Alto doesn’t hit. You’re on the You’repage to You’rewhy!

Why is my Alto not hitting?

Your Alto Vuse does not usually hit because the battery gets low. Sometimes, the cartridge and the battery connection are weak or unreliable. You can have problems with cartridges or connections. To fix this problem, you need to check the Alto Vuse charge.

Buy VAPE Battery

If your “us” Alto is “no” hitting, there’s no cure. Below are some things to check and troubleshoot to find out why your Alto is not hitting.

To fix if the Vuse Alto battery is not turning on:

  • For 3-5 seconds, hold down the power button.
  • If it still doesn’t turn odoesn’tk to don’tit, it’s charged.

its button iit’s1″]

I will show “you bel “w “what the Alto battery looks like:

Below is presented Alto battery :

Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (4)

How to fix a burnt Alto pod?

  • Check the Charge

If your battery isn’t entirely connected, the connection between the cartridge and the battery may be weak or unreliable. You can charge your Vuse Alto with any standard micro-USB cord and plug, so if you don’t have a mdon’tUSB cord, don’t grab one at any electronics store or drug store.

If your battery is fully charged but still not hitting hard enough, try cleaning the connection between the cartridge and the battery chamber by inserting a cotton swab into each end of the cartridge to remove any residue. Then, please turn off your device by pushing the power button five times consecutively until it flashes orange. After waiting a few seconds, press the power button five more times to activate it again; this will reset its internal settings to help restore its performance to standard.

Buy VAPE Battery

If none of the “e “steps work, remove both end caps from the empty Alto pod and use a cotton swab to clean out debris blocking airflow through the pod’s ports or preventing it from making good contact with other components inside the housing.

  • Charge the Vuse Alto Device

To charge the device, use the USB charger with your Vuse Alto. Plug your device into a charger that is not connected to any other electronic device. When charging, the light on your device will be on for 10 seconds and off for 10 seconds.

  • Clean the Connections

If the device stops working, that usually means the battery needs to be charged. However, if it’s completely charged and still not working, you might have a lousy pod or a dirty connection. Cleaning the connections is pretty simple. You can use a cotton swab to clean the metal contacts on the battery and pod.

Usually, the most common problem is battery connection, and you need to push and make the connection better like this:

Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (6)

Press down on your pod to ensure it is firmly connected to the battery. Also, ensure your pod isn’t damaged or has no airflow. You can always buy new ones.

You should also check your battery charge level by checking how many lights are lit on the light band near where you insert your pod into your Vuse Alto battery unit. The more lights lit, the more juice your battery has left.

If you d “t” is “co” rectly, you will see the light like this:

Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (7)

  • Try a Different Cartridge

If you’ve tried the above solutions and your Vuse Alto is still not hitting, it’s time to use a different cartridge. A new cartridge can help you determine whether or not the problem lies in your device or the pod itself. If your Vuse Alto typically hits with a different cartridge, the problem was likely with the previous one. Your battery might be wrong if your device isn’t working even with a replacement cartridge. The best thing to do now is contact customer support for help!

If your Vuse Alto still doesn’t hit after trying these steps, contact Customer Care for further help.

If your Vuse Alto still does not hit after trying the steps above, please contact Customer Care. You can reach them by calling their hotline or sending a direct email.


It’s always important to know that whatever devices we use will malfunction or not work as they should. As you know, Vuse Alto is a new e-cigarette marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes. However, the product may not be performing as well as expected. The reasons for this may vary accordingly. It’s always urgent to contact customer care to address the issue.

Keep in mind not to do anything you’re unfamilyou’reth it thyou’reld be a risk.


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Igor Milosevic

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Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer (2024)


Why is my Alto Not hitting? – Vuse Light on But Not Hitting | Nimble Freelancer? ›

Why Is My Alto Not Hitting? If a Vuse Alto is not hitting despite the light being on, there may be a number of potential causes that need to be investigated. Low battery charge, weak or unreliable cartridge and battery connection, and defective Vuse pods can all contribute to this issue.

Why is my Vuse Alto not hitting but the light is on? ›

Faulty pod connection

It may also mean the battery contacts have dust or debris preventing a strong connection. The Fix: Take the Vuse pod out from the power unit and wipe the battery contacts with a clean, dry cloth. Place the pod back in tightly.

How to fix Vuse Alto short circuit? ›

5 Tips On How To Fix Vuse Alto Short Circuit
  1. Remove The Pod. To address the issue of a Vuse Alto short circuit, it is necessary to remove the pod from the device and inspect for any signs of damage. ...
  2. Check Battery. ...
  3. Charging Source. ...
  4. Replace the pod if damaged.
Jun 19, 2023

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If the button is pressed down for longer than 8 seconds Vuse ePen LED will flash and Vuse ePen 3 will automatically shut down. To restart Vuse ePen 3 you need to press the button 3 times.

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It could be one of following reasons: Your Vuse GO may have run out of charge. You may responsibly dispose it it's the case. Dirt might be blocking the mouthpiece.

Why is my vape lighting up but not hitting? ›

Pod system blinks or lights up but isn't hitting:

Make sure that the device is charged and that the pod isn't empty. Remove the pod and check for a leak. If you find vape juice under the pod, dry it completely. If the device still isn't working – or the pod hasn't leaked – try a new pod or replace the coil.

How to clean Vuse device? ›

All you need to do is clean it every now and then to make sure you're getting the most out of your vaping experience. To do this, first make sure the device is cold, then remove the tip and blow through it. Finally, give it a brush with a clean cotton bud or cloth.

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When an atomizer issue is detected, a quick warning will appear on your screen. If your coil has short-circuited, the current flow of energy will be disrupted, causing the device to shut down.

How long does the Vuse Alto device last? ›

A regularly used and well maintained Vuse ePod is designed to last a minimum of twelve months, depending on vaping behaviour. After twelve months, the battery efficiency will deteriorate due to frequent charging (which is common for all Lithium-ion batteries).

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Repressurize the pod.

Take the vape cartridge out of the battery, and find the hole on the bottom. Cover the hole with your finger, and hold the pod upright. Blow into the pod for a split second, and that's it! Your pod will start tasting normal again in the next couple hits.

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This could indicate that the short-circuit protection function or the auto-shutdown function. If the device short circuits or the device is puffed for more than 5 seconds, the LED light on the device will flash three times and the device will shut down.

How to repair a vape? ›

Check if the battery is charged: If the disposable vape doesn't produce vapour, it might be out of power. Ensure it's charged before attempting any other fixes. Verify the pod or cartridge: Sometimes, the issue lies with the pod or cartridge, not the device itself. Make sure it's securely connected to the battery.

Can you reset a vape? ›

Now, here's where the steps to resetting your vape differ: For models like Veneno and Alien, Pressing and holding the Up and Down buttons should factory reset your vape. For the other models, you may need to press all three (Up, Down, and Fire) buttons simultaneously.

Why is my Vuse not hitting but lighting up? ›

You may find your Vuse ePen isn't firing because the connection between your device and pod is obstructed. If the LED light illuminates but no vapour/sound is produced, try removing your pod and cleaning inside the slot. Removing any condensation, liquid or dirt should fix the issue!

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Check your vape coil: Check the heating element for any signs of damage or wear. If it's faulty, consider replacing it. Check for faulty battery connections: Ensure the battery is properly connected and fully charged. Loose connections can disrupt the power supply to the heating element.

Why is my vape not working when I inhale? ›

If you're having trouble inhaling from your e-cigarette, a number of solutions can improve your vaping. First of all, check your battery charge: a low battery can cause problems drawing in air. Regularly clean your device to remove any e-liquid residue or dust that could clog the ducts.

What does white light mean on Vuse? ›

You charge the Vuse Solo using the Vuse Solo USB charger. A pulsing red light indicates that the Vuse Solo PowerUnit is charging. The LED indicator on the power unit will be solid white indicating that the PowerUnit is fully charged.

How to fix a burnt Vuse Alto pod? ›

Fixing a Burnt Taste

Take the vape cartridge out of the battery, and find the hole on the bottom. Cover the hole with your finger, and hold the pod upright. Blow into the pod for a split second, and that's it! Your pod will start tasting normal again in the next couple hits.

Why is my brand new disposable vape not working? ›

If you have a brand-new disposable vape that isn't generating vapor – and isn't blinking or lighting up when you draw air through it – it's possible that the airflow sensor isn't as sensitive as it should be or that the device's airflow is blocked by a clog.

Why is my Vuse vibrating and not letting me use it? ›

If you have locked your Vuse ePod 2+ (either via the button or the MyVuseApp) the LED will light red and vibrate to remind you to unlock the device, no vapour will be produced. Simply unlock by pressing the button quickly three times or unlock from the MyVuseApp (when phone is in range).


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