Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

I 1023 TMINNEAPOLIS MOKNING TRIBUNE: THURSDAY DECEMBER 13 1923 THE MINNEAPOLIS MORNWGJTj PAGE TWKNTy-THKEB PA(-E TWENTY-TWO Landis Emerges Triumphant From Joint Meeting Mike Kelley Plans Miller HosecleaningJoi924LBaseball Season By Billy De Beck Loops Vote South St. Paul Cattle Trade Continues Weak Veal Calves Advance While Prices on Hogs Turn Highef Lambs Are Down Compared With Tuesday, But Sheep Record Improvement, i BARNEY GOOGLE AND SPARK PLUG-Dream On, ftirncy, the Awakening 11 Be Sad Enough Hens aqncrV Own 9toru i a av Jf Jtmufitr Ewhl Men Turn iriur HE" lp 5PARVt tn)G KEEP JP The. I tr HI CjATE HE QOIMG HE fvAV fEAC ID CON1E (N ANO SPIU i KANSAS ClTv By FRIDAY 'iATVJftDAT Tue iatest AmtAQY. The fin inrai DMT TI.A.T I II' JUST HEARD WAPK M0T MAIM UIAUUIAV TOOK ANOTHfcP pr ms tmtmw carter JC)J3, IN THE UNITED Akin totrir pmpitaim I laPAU AND SOUTH AMtEICA ice WATER 15 CUANGIMG AMO YOU TRY IS to Be Sent Elsewhere WfflW YOUR ICE HE i Hi I III ft 1 I WATER, vA oomt MiiSiM Jt yWAMT it Jjj ij i IfcrsfflMlW SW 0V OH -t iIllv WONDERFUL 1 DOWN AMC MU2M SHORTER OHUJeE MS THE StQgTH AMEgtCAN Ntfvlrfr. Uo our.

R. ALX-IANCb. ALLKiwi WHAT A owEAl" COMGPAai ooa 1 7tf Medlon to prim Ewe or4 i A to Accept I 4 Changes Commissioner Given Appellate Power Over Umpires Against Wishes of Ban Johnson Coast, Western Stars Go Up. QUARTER coiL 1 a ME A CHAPTER 31 Ask $40 a VOC line i-BABE IN F2ai wis Month and Change My Mind. Common to choice 8 50A7 00 'imer and cull 1.50 S.60 Katn 11 in.

old and 2. Sua S.0O Faedinjr Bheea and Lamba. (Eanite Btookl reeding lamb, modlut to cholc 10.50a 12.09 BECETPT8 BY SATS. Cattle. Olva.

Hons Sheep. Cr. rice. 4 3373 8135 22280 1167 390 Dec. 5 2808 8084 250117 1108 406 rimra.

Dec 4979 1912 22.123 1563 425 Sr!" VfC' I 1M0 177 S78 27W lleo. 8 ti7 105 1674 1494 SoDec.10 1058 S33ll 77 Tuesday. Dec. 11.. 22S8 2998 21710 1420 307 ARMS I fVI 17' I "Wi New Pilot Will Release Tingling, Ayers, Griffin, Eng, Brindza Jourdan, Lasser Fisher, Shaugh-nessy to Figure in Deals.

My baseball career realty began at the ago of 14. Even at that are I OOUld hit the ball. F'r that reason I baseball has. Since I come to think of it I don't remember ever hearing about a regular sporting writer, a man who did it for a until I got in the big league. Even then I didn't see much of them.

We depended on ourselves for what we knew about baseball. There wasn't very much to read. He Dodged the Banquets. Often I have been asked why it Is that I never got In the papers much never was Interviewed. The reason is that I always avoided r-orters.

It wasn't because I didn't like them, but I am naturally timid that way, I was always frightened at being interviewed and I was just as bad about going to banquets and big parties. I would slip away from them every chance I got. A young fellow did interview me once professions have. In those days, for instance, a ball player could play most any position. I have player every position on a ball club professionally.

No Pinch Hitters Then. In those days we had never heard of a special batter to hit right-handed pitching and another to hit left-handers. The pinch hitter was not known then. If the man whose time it was at bat couldn't deliver the recessary pinch lilt we simply let go at that. We had no substitute or utility men.

If a man sat on the bench to be used in case of emergency it was simply because we liked him or he had a glove, a bat or something that we wanted to use. My brother Al was a good ball player, though a lot of fans seem to have, forgotten it. Ho waa really my first wan allowed to play on the town team with boys of 18 and Chicago, Dec. 12. (By Associated Press.) Kenesnw Mountain Tamils, the a year comMiasiuner of base- ljall, emerged triumphant from a Joint i back.

There had to come a break. One afternoon I was given th Job of shaving an old miner who had a beard like a shoo brush. He didn't care who shaved him. 1 went to work on him and got him all lathered up and ready. I had just shaved down one side- and around to his chin when one of tho gang whistled outside, I sneaked out.

Who Stove the Other Half? "You got to pitch a great game today," one of the boys told "If we win we're all going to get new uniforms with letters on "em." I forgot all about my miner sitting in the chair, hair shaved and asleep. I never went. back. My career as a barber was ended. "1 can stand for just so much," my brother told une that night, "and no more.

You are through as a barber." I was tickled over that. I knew I could get a job in the mines working on the trap door for my dad. This is no place to explain mining, but any 19. My natural love for the game prob iltteetlng of the 16 major leagvc club owners "boss" of major league rule. I he major league maKnates, meeting 1 1921 by KrfM FetufWi SyikdicM.

Int with the white haired etjirunissloner in a conference today, did not question his conduct fn arranging tor the 10123 world I ably kept me from being a very good barber. I belonged to one of those families where the boys are supposed to learn a trade and make their own living. My brother had a barber shoo In i aerie without consulting either Pres ident John lleydler ot the National when I didn't know it. He asked me Basketball Results. league or President U.

Ifen Johnson of Luehring Silent on teacner. Al piayca on two or tnree who was 'he toughest pitcher I evei different teams in the big league later, faced. thought he was just a friend Ithe American league. Neither dii they Veteran Bowler Shoots Year's First 300 Score His best work was as an inflelder for I question his action in arranging for today's session without previously eon- Griffith, Dreyfuss Agree to Attend Draft Hearing Mansfield, 1 Proposed Navy Game iilltliig them. Most of the Hlx-hogr coaiferenee ie- man In the hard or soft coal fields Dartmouth, 30, ciarkHou 14 Marquette 111, Milton 8.

Army 38, St. Francts 26. DePauw 84 Illinois 28, Overtime. Pennsylvania 89, llaverford 9. Dartmouth Beats tlarksotl.

Hanover, N. ft, Dec. 12 Uartmouti op'-ned Its basketball seatis) fef defeat ing Clarkson, 30 to 16. knows what a trap door boy is. Anyway, I worked at that awhile, playing By George A.

Barton. The Tribune'! Soorta Editor. Chicago, Dec. 12. That Mike Kelley intends to inject new blood' into the Minneapolis team of 1924 became known here to night when he announced that he would release Pitchers Earl Tingling, "Doc" Ayers, Clarence Griffin, George Eng and Fred Brindza, and that Infielders Ted Jourdan.

Lasser Fisher and Elmer Shaughnessy would figure in trades. That Kellcy is seeking a new first btwraan is proved by the fact that he has discussed with Joe McCarthy, manager of the Louisville Colonels, the swapping of Jourdan for Tex Covington. Kelley and McCarthy were closeted for several hours Tuesday night and conferred again today without reaching any decision. Kelley alfo discussed several deals today with Miller Huggins, manager of the world's champion Yankees. It is hinted that if Kelley fails to trade Jourdan for Covington he may obtain (ieorge Geary, recruit first baseman of the Yanks.

Geary displayed considerable class as a first sacker in the fbW immes ha played for the Yankees last Washington and Brooklyn. In digging up the past dope my early days seemed to bo ail mixed Up. That is because I often played linder the name of Al and that of William, my other brother. When he had a job and couldn't fill it I was frequently sent as a substitute. That mixing up of names is to blame for there being I hind locked doorn was taken up with a consideration of the 17 atrsendments to the rules under which the leagues op- baseball in between times.

John 8. Robb, now a prominent rate. Fourteen were adopted, one was Decision Dependent on Out citizen of Pittsburgh, was captain of hot voted upon and two were rejected. Manager of Nashville Baseball Club Trades Self for Dode Paskert irtio amendment upon which no vote the team and gave me a regu- lar job. We played in what wag the doubt about the very early records considered necessary covered the Minnesota Director Is Not Hopeful of Closing for November 8 Contest for Several Days.

By Hubert M. Oustin. come of Joint Association, Coast League Meeting to Be Held Today. baring of the expense by the two leagues conducting the world's scries. Allegheny County league, made up of In my next article I am going to give Mansfield, Brtdgevllle, Tarentum and a copy of my first contract and you the Our Boys Club of Pittsburgh.

The may lie puzzled to know why it is not players were mostly amateurs. Shad I signed in my name. I signed William's Oi- two ieuaues exorcHsed the wish to Bundle the Question themselves. 4 Gwilliam was manager. I name because he was sumxraed to be What Aft want for 1 JL Chritra-i Two Kulen Important Of the seventeen amendments eonsid.

I started playing ghortston then and i tho man thev wanted. Karnine J5 or of tho gang and told him that I nsver had seen a pitcher who wasn't tough. "They're all tough, son," I said. He made quite a piece about that in the papr. The man who got interested' In my boyhood playing around Pittsburgh was George Moreland, later a baseball statistician.

He was Interested in the Tit-State league. A few days later I got a telegram from him Baying he was managing the Steubenville club and wanted me thinking my name was AL That was the first telegram I ever got in rny life and it caused a lot of excitement In me and among the fellows. The telegram offered me $35 a month and my board while on the road. That's when I mode my only Attempt in my whola career to be a business man. "If he wants you that bad," one of the fellows said, "you ought to make him pay more.

He'd pay $40 if he had to." We discussed the matter some time. Finally I made my decision. It was a big one for me, too. I sat down and with great pains wrote out a telegram. "I can't come for less than $40 a month," I wired back.

I couldn't sleep that night while wsiiting for the answer. (Friday: Al Wagner vs. Al Wagner.) tred, only two were classed as impor Dec. 12. (By Associated Griffith, pi-esldent of the Washington club, and Barney Dreyfuss, of the Pittsburgh club, have been asked to meet with the joint committee from the Pacific League and American Hang Wagner, later became Carnegie, and I went to work for him as an apprentice.

My Job was to keep things straightened up, dust off the customers and run erraruls. On Saturday afternoon and night I was allowed to do a little shaving. Many a big miner has suffered at my hands. There weren't many tips in those days. The only thing in the way of a great Berber future for me was my desire to play baseball.

I played on the town team and you can bet 1 never allowed plain or fancy barbering to interfere much with my pitching. Tes, I started out as a pitcher. Moat ball players do, I find. Mike Donlln and Cy Seymour, you know, started out as pitchers. Every Saturday afternoon the boys used to come around in front of tho barber shop and tip me off that a game was on.

I would immediately duck the job. That night, though, I would come back and finish up at the shop. My brother didn't like this a hit. He used to tell me that I'd have to stop so much ball playing or I would never make a good barber. I guess ho was right.

He fired me several times, but, of course, when we got home and talked tant. One covered piscina managers got $5 a week for two games. I played 410 In those days was quite a big event, around that way, doing the best I and you can bet we worked all kinds could between working in the mines of schemes to do it. Jumping from and playing baseball, for two or three one club to another didn't mean any- f.nd cfjiiches In the players limit for Dick Wade, Former Pong Favorite, Is Transferred to Memphis Baseball Club 12. Outfielder Wade and Pitcher AVarmouth of the.

Washington club wore transferred to Memphis of the Southern association, It was announced here today. They are the two men who were to be given to Memphis for third baseman Prothro who was obtained from the southern city by Washington some time ago. Manager Griffith of the Washington club said that player Mitchell, also obtained from Memphis, was being returned to the southern team. The original agreement was that Washington was to give two players for each of the Memphis men or return them. lubK, and the other gave Commissioner Chicago, Dec.

12. George McQuillan, manager of the Nashville team, today traded himself to the Columbus, club for George Paskert of the Columbus team. This trade recalls one the moat celebrated deals in baseball history. In 1911 Bates, Moren and Grant were traded by the New York Nationals to Cincinnati for lieebe. lyjbcrt, Rohan and Paskert.

Of the night men involved in this widely discussed trade only Paskert, outfielder, and McQuillan art left in the game. years just like other noys might do. Landis authority in claims and salary 1 Association, in me ui umm Class AA leagues come to an agreement And right here is a good chance for thing. One day, while playing under the name of William, I hit a home run. The Ihputeg regarding umpires.

me to answer a question as to no Confirmation or dental that Minnesota Is angling for a game Willi the Navy at Northrop field November 1924. was withheld Wednesday night by Fred W. Luehring. director of athletics at the university. He declined to comment on Information from Washington that Secretary of the Navy Denby.

altar being approached by Representative Walter H. Newton, relative to ttte grime, extended assurance that he would givo the proposition thorough consideration. May Be More Than Gossip. Talk Of a Minnesota-Navy game may more than idle gossip. Secretary Outside Livestock ll Cliicairo Dm 12.

-(United State DeMttaent 01 (tittle Receipts 13 000 verr uneTen. better grade yearlina tn restiona fa urgent Cbristniai demand aetive: fj'ni to 25c higher: top Ion jearllngs 113.25: best liirlir bud mixed ateer and heifer 13; numeron. loada i 1.604 12.50: weighty teer semi-d. moralized. 20c lower-, oil more: many unsold at noon: top matured tteeni to shlDD-rs $11.85, wslebt pounds: besci handy weights $12.86: fat abe stock, 7 ceo ting well conditioned light weight beef heifers vC jalue ro nnov 87.50.

largely 25c lower lower grade bulla weak tn off: others steady rosier closing arro.ig to 20c higher: Mi-kets paying np tn milk practically all stocker feeder dull, weak to lower; feeders averaging 700 pound op, steady. Hog Receipt 40.0O0: nneven: mostly 10e to I5c lower than yesterday heat time, or nronnd weak to a shade lower than arerage: bulk good and choice 225 to 300-pound butchers top $8.70: bulk I ettr grade M0 to vi-rnge na-king sow largely S6.3Diiie.46: sUnghter pigs 10 to 15 rents lower; desirable atrong weight 85.75W 0. 15: estimated holdover 17.000. Receipts 22.000: better grade fat lambs closing fully 25c lower; in-between grade heavies and clioned lamb mostly 50c lower: fpot more; beep call natives, lamb and feeding lambs mostly 25c lower: bnlk good and choice fat wooled lamb one double Hi 79-noo'id average dinned lamM largely JIltrHl.tV): het fat ewe 87. BO; top feeding iamb $13.40.

Omaha. Dec. 12. tTJnited State Be. partment of Agriculture.) Hog, receipt 14.000.

Market 10c lower than yesterday' average, bulk 2C0 to 32E-nound butcher Sfl.25ae.40: ton mixed loads carrying oacking os and lights 86.10tati.20: packing sowa mostly SU.00tfrfi.l0: averag cot yesterday ,30: weight 348. Cattle, receipts 10,030. Market Terr low. practically nothing done on fed steer and yearlings, killing duality plain, few sales S8.0fl 9.25: Iooltitis 10c to 15c lowr. now bidding 23c lower: he stock l()c to 35 lower, boll weak lo 10c lower, vealer steady: hlfidlng sharply on stocker and feeders, veal top $9.50: can-e" and cutter bologna kull 8.1.

OOsBs, To, fc Hlieep. receipt 18.000. 'Slow. sale fat lambs weak, loc to 15c lower: wooled lamb too 812.50: fed clipped lambs aiie9 strong to 10c higher: light and handyweiglit ewes $0.25: too $7.10: locator generally steady, bulk 812.0O4il2.10. KnntMS City.

Dec. 12. (Potted State Be-Dartrueut of Agriculture Cattle 9.000: calves 2,900: lianiiywelght fed steers and yearling steady: other killing eteera dnll weak to 16c lower: best yearling 811.00: bulk short fed be tock uneven: better grade and canner and cuttera steady: Uibetween, grade cow and medium heifer alow, unevenly lower, heef cow 83. i 50 is 5. 00: canner and cutters 3.0063.26: bull dull: calre steady to lower, too veals 89.00: bulk medium and heavie atoekera and feeder slow, weak to 15c lower: bulk 85.75Si7.20: too $7,65.

Hogs. 20.000. dull, few ale to hlooer. steady to weak: packers bl'lding ground 15e lower: a few good 22U to 240-uooud vengen at top $0.66: bulk of ale fe.m MS. 46: bulk 130 to 170-pound average $5.75 tati.15: packing sows mostly attick nigs steady, bulk Sheep.

4.000: kllliug tlasae generally steady, early Uip fed lambs 812.40: aoma held aigbeN other moaUy $12,00412.36. Sioux CJfar. Iowa, Dec. 12. Cattle, receipt 2.50O, market slow, killers Heady, atocker-4 unevenly lower, fat steer and yearling to.

00 mMMm bulk 87.OfMr8.50 fat cow. and heifers CinSQttxO.QO. canners and cutters $2.0044, 1.00, grass cows and heifers S3.25a(5.25 vaii 3.islH'10.00. bulls 82. 6045.

00. feeder 84 50 IH7.25 stockers 4.S0'7.50, stock yearling and feeding cowa and heifer 2.50u5.00. UB 12.000. market 1015e lower, top 8H.4o bulk ot sales $8.10416.40. light SO.

10 JtH.20 l.utciiers 6.6Sii6.46. mlied td.HOu 6.25., heavy packtr SC. 1646.3. Sheet) MCiipt 1.0UO. market ateady.

W1- Dec 12.Cattle Receipt 1. tsHj; Calve Receipt. 1.600; steady. BS Receipt. 6,000: 104il6e lower! 200 pound SI (regarding a modified draft.

Both nave agreed to hear the committee. President Johnson of die American -ague was opposed to the adoption of Wednesday's Receipts. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, cars, 413. Thursday's Estimate. Cattle Hogs Sheep So.

St. 6,500 22,000 1,500 Chicago 12,000 80,000 13,000 South St. Paul, Dec. 12. Undertone of cattle trade continued weak today but veal calves advanced about a quarter while hogs had strong to 10 cents nigher clearance as compared with Tuesday's run.

Lambs were down about a quarter but sheep held steady. Cattle. Burdensome supplies of cattle at main western packing centers gave tt? day's trade a weak aspect following the stumpy going on earlier days of the week. Seven markets had over cattle and about 0,000 calves against 28,004 cattle and 10,271 calves a week ago and for the week thus far thowed a gain of about 46,000 cattle and 1,000 calves over the same days last week. Grain fed steers of a good grade averaging 1,294 pounds in weight topped the day'B trade at $9.25.

Other short fed medium grade offerings sold on down to $8 with the bulk of fat steers and yearlings selling on down to $5.50. A few of tho commonest steers sold from thlj Pi'ice down to $4.50 or less. Better grade young cpws and heifers sold in limited number from $5.50 to 7 while tho general run of fat cows sold within a price range of $3 to $4.50, Canners and cutters were moved at prices of $2 to $2.75 but most of the canners were forced near the lower limit. Bologna bulls sold about steady, although trading did not show the action noted in previous sessions, sales of common and medium weights were noted at $3.25 to $4 mostly, with choice heavies upward to $4.25 or more. Veal calves sold a big quarter higher, best lights going at $8 to $8.75 with the bulk of packers $8 to $8.25.

Seconds held within the $4 to $5 limits. Selections in the stocker and feeder division were limited mostly to common and medium grade offerings. Although prices were quoted about steady the general undertone, of the trade was weak. Best feeders topped at $5.50, be. ing of a good grade, with bulk of common and medium offerings going with the $4.50 to $0 limits.

Hogs. Lively shipping demand in addition to strong support by local packers enabled hog sellers to get firm to 10 cents higher terms for their droves aa compared with Tuesday's sales. Not quite as many hogs reached the seven chief markets although the total at these points the first half of the week reached 512,000 against 458,784 the same days last week. The popular price for 180 to 250 lb. butchers early was $6.25, numerous loads selling later at $6.35 and a few strictly choice medium and heavyweight butchers at the top price of $6.40.

Bulk of 140 to 170 lb. averages cashed at $6.10 to $6.15 with a few choice offerings up to $6.25 Light lights averaging around 140 lbs. sold largety at $6.00. Packing sows remained steady, a spread of $5.50 to $5.75 taking the bulk of this class. Desirable weight smooth offering cashed upward to $6.00.

Vy vl 1 Pigs were very scare and sold steady, the bulk of the better grades turning at $6.00. Receipts continue heavy, 27,500 being the estimated run locally, and 148,000 tho seven market total. Sheep. Seven markets drew over 51,000 sheep and Iambs today and for the first half of the week showed combined runs ot 168,00 against 142,553 the same time bust week. Outside news opinion on the relative merit of ball game day I played a great game at players in those days and now.

You shortstop. A fellow saw me and began Ihi rule, as he considered It a chai- will notice that I had been a pitcher i talking among the boys about getting Mtge (O the executive power of the two and catcher before I was sixteen. I "tnat fel How AVilliam Wagner" to play h.tjor league presidents. The Ameri There are Just as great tell players This committee, consisting of Thomas J. Hickey, president of the American Association; William Smith of Indianapolis, and Otto Borchart of Milwaukee, and 3.

Cal Ewing of Oakland, Lewis Moreing of Sacramento, and H. W. I-ane of Salt Lake, will hold its meeting I'l'i hague executive previous to the heeling and presumably during the now as there ever were. I don't believe, though, that there are as many good ones in proportion to the number rgument of today's session, insisted in a little league. Up to that time I had never thought about league baseball.

We didn't read tho papers then like the boys do now. Even If we had we couldn't have got all the dope that we do now. The sporting pages have developed just like pat the major presidents handle all playing. The reason for that is that pair in regard to umpires. ball playing has become highly spec The amendment concerning the play- season.

He is said to be a corking gcod hitter, too. Grabowski, Mayer to Stay. KeUe? went on record as saying today that he would retain Catchers John Gra-bowskl and Wallle Mayer. While he declined to say whether he would retain "Yip" Owens, it is believed that will release the veteran catcher, who acted as tutor for young pitchers, wanned up veteran hurlers, and aced as coach last season. With the purchase of Charley Bee, Carl East and Earl Smith, are the only Minneapolis outfielders who are sure of their jobs.

Henri Rondeau and Roy Maesey may be sold or traded. Kelley would like to retain Clyde Milan, too, but the veteran is a free agent and may accept the position of manager of the Chattanooga club of the Southern association. Before leaving for his home today Milan informed Kelley that if the it over with my dad he would Bfeej ialized, just as the medical and dental Denby's receptlveness to tne suggestion probably la less Indicative of the game's possibility than the refusal of Luehring to express himself pro or con on the matter, followers of the Gophers whrjl-. Luehrina's retlQSROa is taken limit provided that the couches shall at be consider In the player limit It was said tonight that if a decision is reached and presented to the two major leagvc representatives that nothing may develop until the scheduled meeting In February, unless the commissioner should call a spec ial session of the majors for the purpose of hearing Ihich is set at 40 with the exception Rockf ord and fat it be a limit of between June Speakers Talk in Favor of St Thomas Stadium Prospects for an athletic stadium St. Thomas took on a bnshtei hue Wednesday night at a banquet ten derod the Cadet football team whtn Father Olllen.

speaking for the athhH department, and MaJ. L. B. Pepin president of the Aluflnl association spoke In favor of the, erection of nlant fashioned after those lb Keeping Pace With Bowlers and August 31, The two amendments not adopted re those giving ten days trial for Moline Leave Mr. Tom Morten.

A supreme ambition was realized by Tom A. Morken Wednesday be bowled a 300 score on the Central alleys. He shot down 13 consecutive strikes in competition, alternating on alleys No. 0 and 6. While several 300 score have been registered in Minneapolis, this is the fourth time a perfect score has been made alternating on two drives, and the first this season.

the minor league representatives. Clark Griffith of the Washington club layers taken on optional agreements, be amendment concerning the major CHAIN LEAGUE. MERCANTILE LEAGUE. Court Chamber Alleys. Central Alleys, Mill.

Cs. I Cay i Inimliiiud I i-loueer Printers bgues and the other Jthe minor leagues, by many to indicate that nf oUatkm. for the game actually are in progress. The Minnesota director declared Wednesday that he does not expect to be able to make an announcement of the Gopher's opponent for November 8 for several days.

Detenninerto Get Big Game. He reiterated the statement that he has "leads" out to every team of consequence in the Middle West and several In other sections in bis effort to nrk Night's Maple Fame Cornered by Rothschilds Furnishers Topple 2,863 Pins Larry Olson Individual Star With 639. Three-I Loop the St. Joe club of the Western league as per orders from President C-eorge K. Belden of the Minneapolis and St.

Joe clubs. The Minneapolis club put in a claim for Rudolph and Detroit club claimed Maleway along with Rudolph. Both clubs appealed to Landis, who decided in Detroit's favor. A. Meets Again Today.

American association club ewners will meet again Thursday morning to pass on several minor changes in their 1924 schedule. In the afternoon a committee of three men each from the American association, Pacotlc Coast and International leagues will meet with Garry Herrman, who will act as spokesman for the major leagues, and will try to effect a compromise on the draft. It Is believed that some arrangement aereeable to both sides, will be com li )M I.tKlt 171 I'll 1M iV2 214 lit Pali) 181 SH 154 Hit 1SS rWiiTvIo 111 103 141 Hanson J8t 130 130 204 11 13o lie KalJhora li4 Inavuiiistd 121 V.A 13S Memeyer ISO 147 14 136 tilt lrMKhouek 172 145 1 53 I lliucustad 141 Krank 1H7 1H1 137 andis Bess of I mmres. was In conference again imo evening with Manager Frank Chance of the White Sox, but when he emerged from the room he said that the "deal for Collins" was as wet as the weather. And it was raining hard when Griffith came Hiitaea Sdis oVLarf KathM Uaridkap IThe i i ptance of the provisions llil 1 I .1 ion II.

I An I jwn t-w aiiiu jmi itifc ni i llicermng the umpires gives Commix- JS It 3D 2 2 2 Un1 -ap 21 -4 21 Ilanilitap 1 IS IS -p' 1 Ml TH MO Total R33 SOI TSe Mtthla uu a-J KtSls B1 1 B.1B 82 Hi TinTli'Mfl I Ic I Twain Lasdls appellate powers in de- cours of construction at many of the Western conference schools. Opinion at the banquet favored Dunphy stadium as the namo for trie proposed stnic turo in honor of the former college head Names of football players voted out of the hotel. Husband Drop This However, the foxy leader intends sd Fulton, Herman rmining a dispute over a contract or pht to services. It was said that be-1 re the lub owners ronsenterl to vote remain here a few days and Chattanooga proposition did not appeal fto him he would be glad to return to Jlinneapolis and play for him. Kelley may buy Joe Merkle, a young Second baseman, from the Seattle club of the Pacific Coast league.

In this event he will move Hugh Critz over to shortstop "Kel" needs a third baseman and will tarn to some of his major leasrue friends for one, providing the aihle that something will develop. A it. the junetidment as presented. letters were real, ana hum wwrw by Father John Duffy, spcrts snthOS for the Hit 21 years; is altered slightly In its wording, hv. i wmw -cmuiu i fcniau mswis i auuii.

raiui. HI 21)2 I.iir,il Milt Kin 137 pptTnoi. 170 1'2 Hit names 1T2 171 179 Nsrllnar nt 15u Waster 142 210 14. Csllln 171 13 147 Larson 170 1SH 2H9 iMwklas 143 137 lijolHimwr 140 140 14 1 c. rarin 149 l.Vi 1.11 Install 133 113 171 Hntiius l.M Dillon 119 143 141 H.

CarUon 149 VA 134 C. Larson ISO 171 1ST. Brataas 222 lutl 177 Weldr. 14 121 -fa man 142 13 1S7' Doll lat 141 Hanrtix-aB 04 44. Handicap 28 2 2i I Handicap 79 79 'n: liandieap 28 28 2 TuUls 7 T71 WK) TUH 740 772 741 i Totals 849 777 'Ml Totals 1822 800 913 T.

C. Tradi- Oi Vvuvtr Co. O' Hera Cafe I Home Trade Shoe Verera 174 217 177 I Hi4 12 Iff 8ntrlIO 14,3 180 lS4.Ben.on 111 1S2 1 MIOII 114 174 147 Do ker 119 144 l.V, U-nrn 1J2 1R3 141 Witliuan 149 172 129 ISO 2-'r' 1: ii 173 12 1 Prabodr 13l 180 172 Aml-rson 1ST 159 1M Ier 127 H- I3S S. Iiinper 14 217 XelllufT 141 2U2 I'-'i Wie.ek 179 133 13S Mlaniler l.V. 207 HI.

tiardsou 133 1S4 143 Anderson 137 1S9 IKS Mi hms 178 1 75 195 Undirp 82 02 S-i Undli 28 28 28 Handicap 31 31 47 47 47 Toial, 787 lOiU 810 Total 81300 7511 Tuls 713 021 80S1 Totals 821 838 820 lntl Mllllnit Atwood-Xsinion lirownin-Klne William Kta. Co. effect as adopted was not changed, i May. Top Next Armory Show Una up a team which win saiisi iwa Zuppke, who Insists that Minnesota meet a "first rate" eleven on that date if Illinois Is to go through with its game at Minnesota November 15. Addition of tho Navy to the Gopher card, optimistic though that thought may be at this time, would make the schedule the greatest in Minnesota his rn.rh Brandy.

Assistant Coach Hays Hint to Your was given no I the present time Griffith is unwilling to part with Second Baseman Harris, who has been mentioned by the White Sox in the proposed deal. Club owners were guthertng In little groups about the lobby and retiring to League to Open 130-Game Season April 29. Chicago, Deft, 12. (By Associated Press.) Kockford and Moline 111., clubs today announced their withdrawal from the Three-Eye league, Moline, because of heavy losses the last two years and Rxickford because the withdrawal of Moline placed them at a disadvantage and. Captain rantatn Elect Ilelchow Ihority to exercise his (lowers in I By "Dad" Hull, Itothachlld bowlers were the premier wood githerers in the Retail Straightaway league Wcdnafcday night, getting a 2,863 pinnage on the Central drives.

Dunphy acted a pes iiere an umpire luay berome In-; Downey. Father toastmaster. Wife Ived Willi either of the major U-ague l-si t.ts over a questionai decision or the various rooms where trade talk was understood to be the chief topic of Hllaers 174 UY, Illidn-tU VM 18S, 167 191 1HS 179 Hanxin i'7 192 28 Matchmaker Hoke Seeks tory and one that would test Bill Hpauld-ing's team to tho utmost. becoming conduct 101 133 IS Foster As revised, the They won two games from the Smith i Cubs' Manager Offers ffijtftaaa Gdtcfa Berii iidment concerning the umpires i Clothes quintet with scores of 1,041 MrDon-eU, 90ZS 12 1lil Bker 178 17 1(1 184 1M 199' Peek 3W-J 1S9 Doian 172 144 2341 Jedilekl 1X1 Jfl 18S Jefferen 142 14 201 Brohsi-k 171 2'! iSB 140 177 181 195 158 JftS ISO 1 184 181 198 179 8 8 8 121 1121 1S8 i-s 154 1' 122 Mter 1M 173 102 Nelson If Hendlras Xrasick Tjra Handlf-ap as: XTThe commissioner shall have and S23. Handirao 7 7 7jHandioap 40 4n 40 I In the matter of circuit transportation 'r B.H 11,1 1 OOll I Produce Market 78H 887 802 lausviioii iu nar ami eiriinne nnai- i ne Kotncnikls excelled their on 'lots in 818 750: Totals JI.ISI.

OtfJ OtFJ V-. Olson to Meet St. Jean in Exhibition Cue Match bicago, Dec. Kiikf r. Jfo Boyd SllOp ftt mater of the Chicago Mt'f1 Ct, a Presidents Peter Ingleson of Moline ln.r (A, -11 .1 i U.

I St. Altfa. A Dk. )' Tt 7 pleted. This will end the baseball meetings here, and practically all of the diamond magnates will be on their way homeward Thursday night.

The Glutt threw a wheel yesterday. Then he lost his sprocket and his sad die. But be Is finishing the. race on his handle bars. tarr mim (c wa uuuna; me nrsi J4- 1V 199 ISO 137 ISO 1.31 Olson WALKEK BIO SIX LEAOtTE.

lrt contract or salary, upon appeal and second contests but the Smiths re- rummr the umpire The commissioner also tallated in the final fray, pounding the I League club, announced to4 that William (Kldi Oleason. for Minnesota College Defeated. The University Church of Christ basketball team defeated the Minnesota college five by a 11 to 24 score WedMfr day night Arthur Poll starred for the winners with eight baskets and two free throws, while Olson scintillated for 129 185 149 145 1S8 18 19 180 168 215 191 1K1 12 12 12 873 9U0 640 and Ira Bell of Kockford, who made the announcements, said that their players would be placed on the market at once. The league wasted little time on discussion of securing two other 127 18S 101 191 147dleilien 1.3 178 154 Wl.e 58 58 I 704 8S)S fHH Toul ii save jurisdiction to near snU de-; pins for a. 991 count against 923.

Pair for First 1924 Program Jan. 11. By Irvin Rudick. Forced to call off his Thursday's fight show at the Kenwocd Armory at the eleventh hour when informed by Manager Hughle Gartland that Joe McCann, who was to have appeared against Fred Fulton in tho main event, was 111 and unable to go through with his agree mer manager of the White Box a berth Fallander Hsndicsp Totala full of handy and useful things for the car. ine finally any dispute over a con- larry Olson showed that he was a Class AA leagues return to the old practice of taking players under optional agreement, subject to recall.

"Kel" Refuses Mangum Offer. Of the Miller pitching staff last season Kelley thinks highly of Bob McUraw, Dan Tipple, Eric Erickson and Leo Mangum. Wade Killefer, secretary of the Seattle club, attempted to buy Man-Ktim today, but Kelley refused to part with the big youngster. Kelley may close several deals for ball player before he departs for home Thursday night. He announced tonight that tfie Minneapolis Baseball and Athletic association would be reorganised and officers elected for 1924 next Monday.

The sale of Inflelder Bill Hollohan to the Houston club of the Texas League tfe.ll through today when H. L. Robert-Bon, president of the Houston club, offered him only $750 for the second baseman. Kelley refused to part with Hollo-ban for less than $2,000. Norton Likes "Shano" Collins.

for umpire's services." live wire by smashing the tit for 29 as assistant manager ami Cubs next season. fhln Hmendinent must le paused at the losers with five field goals Ed Olson of Lake street billiards fame will meet Andrew St. Jean. Minneapolis representative in the National pocket billiards tournament, in an exhibition 100-polnt match in the Synder Recreation rooms at 8:30 today. In the inter city matches played Wednesday i 7 at: bthaightawat.

league. Snrder Allevs. meeting tomorrow of the National Power Klntllle- lactation of Professional IlascbaU km, which means all the minor Conrt Chamber Alleys. McCol! Snb. I Electrician-- Brown 70 94 152 Hu-ac 93 138 134 Ijiwn-uee 130 119 l.9'(i.And-rsoB 149 91 Wiedemann 131 139 1.33 Kennedy 90 137 119 Woiack 138 141 148 It.

AiaaerWS 130 140 142 MUllnuloB 123 158 172 Nelson 05 102 127 31 31 31Hatidi.ap 30 30 Totals 623 682 7751 Totals 007 M3 008 Aldreh Bute I Fchldler 154 167 177 Leonard 134 148 101 Hoffman 190 169 172Hedlnnd 102 148 113 Buckley 125 124 lSliLyona 162 1 64 IU T. Woiack 174 122 140 Wathon 194 150 14U Halvorson 1JI 160 187 Johnson 138 158 183 Handicap 6 8 6 Handicap 38 38 58 Totals 825 763 8181 Totals 818 809 697 Office Leliorer Hamilton 147 162 158 Hcddlnirer 163 178 134 Bralnner 155 1 25 1 55 Phelps 111 136 129 KniglH INI 130 92 Vaimsek 115 120:39 Wilder 173 162 164'DlcklnseB 135 1 55 12" December 13, 1923. BUTTER Creameries, extras. 51et Brits, tt MeU" HiN.0,' 1 SJWSC eood aMa free Iron, rots, dirties and checka out. per wen 8c seconds, small dirtv and held eteck.

rota and leakers out. per dosen. 18c: quotation on egg include ces. Ki-frigerator eitras. doien 80c; 27; aeconds, CHEEMK Fancy paraffined new.

37c: fancr iurk flats, cured. 30c; daiie. fancy. 38c Ainerlc. fncy in uuality.

regular ta style. 29c: long horus. pound 2c: brick. No. I niw.

fiinev 36e: No. 1 New York, 1 pound uackage. 35c; No. 1 New York. 3-Doiimll oaclinire.

3Sc; So. 1 Wisconsin. 33c: 8wi. moogted wheels. 75c: fancy loaf.

60c: choic loaf Hiftjlic: off grade. Be: fancy block, tie: oiiitost we. Pit, fcONh Tame pigeon Uve. dozen. 75c: snuabs live.

down. 81.50: ooab. neters. (ln-sfd. fancy, dozen.

82.50: suuaba. medium, dof.u. 81. 50B 1.75: quab. mall.

dozen. 81. DMLSSBU HKAT8 Vel. fncy fat. 100 tn 12t isjund.

10c: veal, fancy fat. 80 to 10O bounds. 9c: veal, fancy fat 7ft tn so year as a six-club circuit. It was decided to open the 1024 season on April 29, and play about 130 games. No other details of the schedule had been agreed upon late this The Glutt has the race all mapped 5UOH of the nation, before it can be- strikes, reaping a 639 total with 109, 206 and 224 counts.

A 2.823 grand aggregate produced by the Williams Stationery marksmen was the high mark in the Mercantile league. Cutting down the timber in bunches of K86. 1,011 -and 926, they defeated the Browning King crew twice with a 40-pin handicap. ment, Matchmaker Billy B. Hoke Wed He airettlve in the major minor affecting Iambs was lower today and out.

He Intends to sprint the first million laps and then take It eay. Boto Tony Faeth, St. Paul, defeated F. Dries. 50 to 46, and J.

Magnus, St. Paul, defeated Ed Stevenln, 50 to 41. "Duke" Hall and Kenneth Cave won the rapid- rue agreement. went to sleep in the paring luncn- onenngs here sold at 25 cents discount, best going at $12.25 with a few strictly choice offerings at $12.50. Culls were Meetinu- Harmoninu.

wagon last night and lost three laps nesday started plans for his next card which he Intends to stage on January 11. "Tiny" Herman of Omaha, and Fred Fulton are the pair ot heavyweight gladiators the matchmaker is seeking for his wlndup. The two were original fire tournament. 'hen th- sixteen major league cluti and six customers. This beautiful new store is designed to appeal to ladies as well as men.

Your wife will enjoy choosing your present from the varied stock at Boyd's. If you smoke, she will Earl Hanson and Al Broback were Blnmer Blnmer hers filed out of the meeting, all matters reacnea in tne annual session most numerous at $8.50 a few up to by 3 o'clock. $9.00 and heavy lambs sold largely at tared the seaeion was harmonious, the heavy assaulters, the former totaling 607, and the latter 606: The Glutt is sore. He has fired Bozo i uiicreui. iutnicr mHiiauer 01 with some UP to $1100 ilte a flow of briptling words that times but Bozo bounced back like a hneep sold about steady, light and Considerable surprise was oecaslonid- Colonials Beat Silver Lake.

The South Side Neighborhood House Colonials trounced the Silver I-tke basketball team by a 14 to 8 score Wednesday, 'j' lied out through the transom and loose rubber heel. Knllienc 172 1 80 197 Vui 212 183 226 Hanson 179 175 13 Hstlestail 188 166 175 Krottse 172 192 212 Ksue 191 281 179 lirstaa isfll7 204 Tlion.paon 103 200 19o Hohan 162 188 230 Watkme 102 14 1M ToUl 898 891 1026, Totals 859 931 954 Donaldsons- New Rniland I. ane 10 178 20'ptteron 16 214 170 Ie 189 300 220. Wells 171 161 12 II. Olsos 157 180 151 8an.uelso 170 1 54 1 79 Mosier 220 1W1 177 Johnson 153 200 171' 184 168 173' Rltrlile 168 204 1 83 Total 895 912 927; Totals 826 933 803 I Davton It Whit.

140 290 159 100 ISO I.uckman nr. 191 154'Clirist'naoo 179 188 203 Swsnson 17 1 201 183 148 168 212 raiana 181 217 212 White 1M 157 193 Bweener 194 178 IB P. Cooklock 167 157 193 Totala 807 U8T 8S.3i Totala 837 890 961 Central Alleys. Olson ft Carlson 1 Nm-ell Hdw Orarli 17." IM 121 189 21f Price llii 190 170 MeNabb 159 15.1170 Swauaen I SI 212 119 Urose 180 223 165 Jttnrensen 12 15 Ml IMntnmer 177 194 IfS Weehe 190 2i 190 llearnin 154 192 1S Tottls 855 908 848 Toul 791 1 8i0 Rothschild' Smith Clothes l-s Ml 129 179 Mi Keaa Hi 10 222 4lOB 2m 2ti 224 Storm 153 200 i llfford 1H 144 172 'Utile 177 165 176 oter 243 214 188 rio-eT 188 1(1! 191 Beritersos 213 20C. 157 138 21)0 Totals loll 899 923 Total 821 823 917 Ml 102 138 107'latdner 151 121 Handicap 21 1 1 1 74 74 74 Totals 744 733 727' Totals 7M It9 724 Itieuer Pine Fitter Eik.nhack 114 130 Koater 144 201 8lliord 141 181 195' Olson 173 183 145 Dunn 129 120 lOSirormh 140 178 119 Heseen nil 145 1: Andersofl 134 172 158 Stetlae VA 151 118.1.

Anderoa J3 161 209 tho Norfolk, baseball club, has signed to manage the Terre Haute, club, it was announced at the meeting. bks In the door soon after the meet- 8c: real, fair to gd. 7c: thin, small n. tiinong baseball men here tonight when 'John W. Norton, president of the St.

weight flc: hog. 150 to 225 nonnds He- kin, I started? over 25ft pounds. 8c: boar not wanted. One of the neighbor's cats joined the nantiyweight ewes turning to packers at $5.75 to $6.75, with heavy ewes moat, ly around $5.00. Feeding Iambs were very scarce, a few natives being offered which realized $9.50.

J'aul baseball club, announced that he nose standing sentinel without heard race during the night. It ran around Uandlcas 2 '3 11 13 r2 Hand leap words and strong language. It I'OLLUtY-No. 1 prins. all slues.

15e: teg. horn. prlngs. 11c: rooster old. 10c: fcen.

our 4 isiunds. 16c: under 4 pound. OB vriuple and cull unsalable, duck, fat. 14c: nlflt'k find MOSCOW thicks Iftc iraamo 701 12U 816 Totl pretty last and Tex Rlckard chased it Sil 84d was seriously considering John (Shano) Collins, veil an outfielder of the Boston Red Hox, as manager of the Saints for not known to whom these sen out although It had a season ticket. Notre Dame Will Meet Wisconsin November 8 Sport Mill Grist ses were MafMBeo, but tne well- find ash trays or electric cigar lighters, GARAGE LEAGUE.

turkey, fat. over 6 pounds. 18c: turkevs' thiuj I and mall. Mile: criuple and call otualable. ly sought for Thursday show, but an injury to Hermaa's hand prevented him from going through with the arrangement Herman Is Willing.

He informed Hoke at the time, however, that he was willing td appear here December 20 when he thought his "mitt" would have healed. But that date was out of the question, Hoke informed him. Because of his willingness to appear here. Hoke is contemplating little difficulty in Bigning the big Omaha scrapper for the contest in Quotations voice of Commissioner Landis ryer Alleys lry next season. Bobby Quinn, president of the Red Sox, is trying to buy Catcher At the annual meeting of the Minneapolis District Bowling association Wednesday night at the.

West hotel, V. li. Mlcka was elected president. A. C.

Smith vice president, W. MrXabb secretary anil James Doinn treasurer, and prizes were distributed. It was decided to hold two tournaments next eeasOft, dates and alleys to be named at a future meeting. One tourney will be held for members of the American Howling Congress only, and a second tourney for howlers who do not participate in the first meet. Four hokey-pokey wagons also got into the race.

The riders were going Id Ik: dlstlnctlj heard. B. Sltrtu' painter nriced at $1.25 UP t( KILLING CATTLE AND CALVES. Ickes I Miller Motor 15S 170 Mill, 50 133 153 127 157 159 Blnkes 141 148 159 125 125 120 Peterson. 116 98 111! hone without aiid that they heard Mike Gonzales from the St.

Paul club iind Norton may consent to the deal to prime ho slow that Rlckard painted an usher up like an Indian and told him to t'hoh i'lOll iie resembling that of 151 191 1 I- Millnitl 135 141 1.5(1 a.tir hro $6.00. gin 11 9 onistio.25 7.ISHH 9.00 7 no andiK say "You are acting like providing Quinn comes through with Hiifficient cash and Collins. Quinn and Medium Common Canners and cutters Chicago, Dec. 12. The Notro Dame university football schedule for the 1924 season was announced today by Coach Knute K.

Rockne. It includes a game on Novemtser 8" with Wisconsin at Madison. Minister Miy Ply Hooltev, Hllitiln. Minn Pec 1. Tin Cobb-Wlllliiru tot miy liav milliner on lh hockey.

MM which It will ntr in the Rne riocky lesine. Km. K. A. 1'owlliis.

imntor of Ihfl church. I th vtndMitc. In known a on of th moiit ntnaleri o( tht hockey ntk'k on the Iron Kanse. Mriulo HtrrUr I4r. rrlnnt.

Dec. 13. H. C. Mrolo of Boch-cuter.

mi elected cintaln of the, Mr24 rlvlt of Illlnoli tom country team at a It of swine." I freigbten tho riders into a sprint. It is going to be a close race, al 2.8041 4.00 Norton conferred today, but both re Blir 136 171 176 Hodtes J81 161 199 Jluiidlcas 25 25 25 Hiiinliian 51 51 51 Total 725 859 812 Totals 783 722 804 pumnir 123 125 125 Motor Iddr- 'Potts 137 157 157 Ovcrliec- 116 145 199 8hrla 118) 172 122 iMmmiv 125 120 125 iMiltoss l--7 10.1 (lire of th" door knob listeners fur uooo to prime (SOU lbs, down! fused to make pubic the result of their Vou might need a stoj K. A. HANDICAP LEAGUE, at A. C.

Alley. Heifer though the song iMuggera sound as if itald that they heard Landis at the Very start of the talk. Kids- Bine ltell guineas tier dozen 65. IiRhlSaEli I'OCLTKY-Do not hlo thin, poor turkey. Turkeys fncy.

young torn. 10 Ib and over. 26c: fancy hens, 7 lbs and over. 24c turkeys, fair to good 134ill6o: turtteve poor and Ihln. IqlOci turkey, oid torn.

20c: geese. "Ki taoona. 184t25c: apring. No. 1.

16c: bens. No. 1. 4 pounds and over. 17c: Bens, No.

1. under 4 pounds, 12c: culls nnsal able: musters. 12c No. 3 poultry sell 2c to 4c lower than No. guineas not dressed doz 84 ItA ISlll'l -Sell only In cold weather, dozen.

82.50: Cottontails. 81.26JI1.BO; White' iSrtTiaf' Hare- IlEANSQuotatloo Inclnd tacka. rancv hand Bt he.l navy. choice nayy. 4c'- fS? -an'7- to 445c.

Lima. 11 Mfornla. 1 Ic. UNIONS --Snail sh. crate.

83.26: Snanlah. 4 85: Spanish, case 37: red per 100 lb. 3-fw: HONEY Colorado. 21 47: fancy Ma WlstjaS or Minnesota, per crate. 38: 182 178 Cillronn 147 104 197'1ira 2os Kill 146 or narking light or A milled 112 19 oathont they were winning.

jn issue an ultimatum to the club llalut 178 161 1181 Wrlltht Collins played In the outfield for years for the Chicago White Sox. He also has liad considerable experience at first liammet. shea tonlsht for the team. Mariulo. niiminy 130 1ii I44illcnnln 171 138 195 I'limnir 125 126 138 llcajiult 121 165 150 167 176 152 rasaf) 1-2 1.12 121 HandkaB 12 12 12 108 129 144 81 770 Totals 790 811 701 Blues to Train at Veiuon.

Chicago, Dec. 12. President Charles prs to the effect That his se windshield spot light, it Junior, si one Chicago Seeks aver nolo iwo teiiera lor trvw luuui, for track. The mysterious guy who is chasing The Olutt around lap after lap Is a de 8lromqult 1C7 164 Neumeler Hlce 193 191 Handicap 19 12 12 llandieau contract could he easily torn IBM isi-j 147, ii'iiaru a iiorion i t. Motor 141 on mi Muelhbach of the Kansas City club corn to $13.00.

lero was any dissatisfaction 0 base. Collins was highly recommended to Norton by various notables of the Totals 883 825 881 Totals tective from the Automat. The Olutt 22 22 22 144 litt Iff 11 lli.ward 915 39 Sheffield 138 167 141 tltiniker uu cini 011 no i-taum 14(1 18 146 Stands! iii 120 Iii'i 'trrangemants Tuesday night for $.004111.69 T.OM 9.7-I Wfi 7.00 5 OOifi! 7.08 otidi I 7:. .504 3 ft i 2.004(1 2.0D 4.2Sifti 5. on f.26q 4.00 2.5044 3.0- 8.204J 8.75 8.t 3.0O S.B04i 7.00 2.2044 3.00 or 1 Buildcr.

idministration, i toon and choice (son lbs. mil Common aud medium, all weight Cow (loud and choice Common and medium Cutters Canners ..7 Bulls (Vrlgs. excludedl lleef Uologn Couinion Calves (190 lbs. downl Choice (selected) Hedittat, gmd and choice Culls ii nd common (190 lbs. up) Medium to choice Culls and common 34 ii ins iu ciun io nam next spring at vernon, I iu.

Li xmm-. is Jockey Ha Marrow, New Orleana. Pec 18. Jockev E. Bell had a narrow ecaiw from acrioB" Injury or death In the flrnt rare at Jefferson park to1a.

when he hi.nha hia mount iind f. II In the path 1928 Olympiads 201 12 136 Nelson 159 170 150 Knnt.on went in there and forgot to bring nickels with him. limedlately after Commissioner IBS 101 172 1 fl" 3S 29 159 vm rtt. ndiesa 43 43 4:1 i leuin win report, uwe 203 194 14(1 II Iielchton 2(19 142 133 JIh in said to have issued this ultl just look phead to th Totala 797 815 792' Total" 805 770 March 1. 181 185 175 of a Held of 12 horaoa.

He turned a aonieraault Itn. the meeting quickly resolved th. Add as he fell lay moilonlem. an4 aftr At midnight yesterday afternoon. atnior aiain i oiurr Huniru Wilcox 128 KU 142 (ireene 104 Hn 177 W.llcti 182 120 1o ilibb 124 135 175 FOEFRTEKS' LEA0UE, old camo next sum- a harmonious session und acted as; Will Ask That, (lampn Ro Sonf had panned aroae without a aerated.

POI'CURN Northwestern white, old shelled, 4c: Iowa. 1822 crop. 6c: Jap gdB I II. 11.. organization.

2 BCSZ J3i it 1,1 Htl Central Alley. 187 109 llotrinnn 183 173 lfHI 8chnlts The Glutt stopped his wheel and got off. He looked over his road maps to And where he wa. 1 1 merer iz pew ill isnrt Wilson 104 140 109 Wheel Handicap 3 3 3 Handicap Totals 854 859 748 Total 3'litrrs 1 Harriet Halveisoe 1ST 186 197 Hnrker Mitten 174 195 177 Krrlnger Brombach 160 180 18k llartteil ilslin 188 158 172'Otllst Biers 171 162 161 HeUdlnK a mer and tell her to sec 139 179 1881 I.lmoln io u. o.

iiue 10 itinanciai Amu Chooaaa HarrUr Captain. im ltee. lif.deorc Mrtntyre. I le BUbJect of buying ball players for 1 11 'S li 'V 1A0 107 Murhmskl IN 173 KnlMcKlroy 147 181 51 34 .14 Hnnillcnn llandicio ii', l.i l.t i.i 1000 and other fabulous stima was FBLSH VEOKTm.E9 Celery, mammoth dozen 1.8: iumbo, dozen. 90c: iarm' flu': egg nlutit.

lb 15c: cukes, dozen. 13: peppers. Insket. 75c; Calif, head lettuce, crate 86; ratabact. 31.6V beets, 12.2.'.' 445 144 102 21 21 21 903 739 812 1(14 210 139 125 194 14(1 173 159 18.1 177 223 175 153 190 12 12 12 805 8S8 933 219 145 175 Mnignllt 147 141 109 130 121 Krasiek 102 1 21 179Ulbos 151113 11s Chaos Abroad.

815 mm 792 Totals lotals 778 738 867 STOCKER AND FEEDEH CATTLE. Steers 1 7.5U lbs. mil some of those cam rted to have been dtsoutesfl, but Tex said, "Get on that wheel, you Selected (Boshy) (iootl ami choice carrots, 82,76: eablwga, ction was announced. The reports Handicap 1 1 1, Handicap C. Murl'ski 192 308 167 1'ilson .169 171 185 Hndl.

su 11 40 40 Wood 151156 147 Totals 801) 803 858lllandicP 53 53 53 Totala 783 sot 813 piajor and minor leagues. If he acquires Collins, Norton would hoIvp his managerial and first base troubles. Collins is a splendid ball player. A student of the (fame, a high type of man and a leader. Norton appears to be more impressed with Collins than with any other candidates for the Job.

It became known tonight that Norton nlso is giving Joe Cantlllon serious con sideration for the position. The St. Paul magnate always has admired Can-lillon's managerial ability. Bongo has excellent connections with major league club owners and managers, and If the draft is restored in some form, Cantlllon would be in better position to ob 8er craie. 83: to two-thirds stoves and kits, price( DBSanflL cc erv big Ruff town soup expert, or I will ii'mi" eji loiiii.

7 35 5.50rn 6.75 3.504 0.5(1 8.50 Chicago, Dec. 12. An effort to bring Ithnt it was tlu- sense of the meet- TWIN C1TT LINHS LEAGUE. Snyder Alluyi. Motors I Kiglalera Scli'lcnberg 154 100 107: llodgdon 180 100 220 I t.

llrcaker give you the next fight with Firpo." irate S3 u.w doien nunches. 3150; new oozen nunches. ST. 35: egg nlsnt 20c: stilnnch hsshet tt sA, lhat $25,000 should bo placed uh the he Olympic games to Chicago will at $5.00 to $25.00. 179 139 1(14 Dwvcr be made by John F.

Kullerton, lire com Imum for any ball player. KoiHiomoro fortry atudent. a elected rap-lain of the Ame 1M4 eroan-oountrir team. Mrlntyr. plneed firet In (he Mlaaonrl Valley meet and alxth in the Ble Tin run tbla year.

Ill borne la at Otcrola. low. Dayton Wants Oun Meet, Chlraao. Pec ill belai from Paylon, Oblo. today applied to the eiectltiye commute, of Hi.

Amnteiir TrapHliotlnn AMltlon of America, to Uavton chosen i th. permanent Borne of th. Uraad Atnerloaa ban-rtleari. th. premier annual trapahtlnf rut ot th country.

Th. ejeutlye cortrmlte was to In aessloa late today to deeld the nle and plar for the Grand American handhap The Glutt was looking around for a 215 1H1 oi:) i iS 125 1 borne 170 ISO 1IB Welch 158 147 lSOiVllft 190 177 101! Moody 103 122 lOB Tepe 181 152 148' Nelson 17 17 17 llandloo 819 765 822' ToUl Helm ttad'-iux Klng Parker Holland Uandicup Totala deals of major importance were 4 5IK.I 0 (l 3.IKI'. 4.50 2.25(i(, 11.51) atMl 4. on Christmas Suggestions ton 11 and medium i Steers 175(1 lbs. dotyni Selected (Jooil and choice Common and n(edlnm Inferior (all weights) Heifers (Iissl nd choice I Common ud medium Cows (bsrtl and choice Ci.uimon and medium st.

o. i sr. Anthony 1 Mvers 154 178 180lV.Wllerlu 153 178 1 94 Young 172 192 I IliKlbtile 12S 1(15 135 liibhs 120 136 MfJE Waller' lfl.iliiil 147 Kalla 184 132 2941 J. Waller' 102 list ltl Johnton 133 153 129lllerber 156 200 1 8J Uniiilban 11 II llllandicap II 14 14 Totals 780 802 5981 Total 7(19 913 S48 Ilennetiln I St. Anthonv No.

2 IIMI too KUtfv ununited tonight, one Bending Koy A Great Christmas Sale 1-1 1 11 961 7tUI 893 14 11-- HJi r.rl, son 139 2UO 172 102 lrto Coodrlch 135 ijh ho 114 154 157 mlirson 15il 147 139 lis 172 1419 138 147 VH 80 80 Ml Hendlcan 22 J2 22 719 808 890, ToVcIs 710 791 Ml Troilejr 224 159 2I4U(! 157 IM 119 98 179 1..1 labia 10s 131 140 166 158 y.A 1111 187 1(12 109 2 saei 32. her of the Oakland, club, one Car heaters, mirrors tire covers all de signpost. He said, "I have ridden 887,234 and a few spare miles. Wher am Tex aaid, "Vou're here." best right handed pitchers in 3. 00 i 3 on 2.25 ISI Oelianger 122 147 11 153 173 3acltl( Coast league, to Pittsburgh, ITolllilc liitidlcnp Totals e'ourre (irn ham 1 aider I'rodahl tin nd leap Totals 143 147 174 KlKIs missioner who has left on his way to Chaminox, France, where the Olympic Bkating competition will bo held on January 26 aod where he will confer with Olympic officials relative to reassigning the 1S28 games to the United States.

Arrangement have already been made to hold the 1028 Olympic in Holland hut because of financial and eco 145 128 159 103 136 1081 end a number o( other trpnooun I'otn1 iehi in? 172 1311 ommon to choice 2.25(66 4 00 the nt her. sending Dudley Iee, pendable stuff. Hencken Johnson Krsus (Jrf 81.28; caullllower. crate. 83.90: wax bean, bo.

rilw JSif 8 fV hn- aouash. Sc. erste. 88.50 I.hMti.Ns.-tancr ('alifornla. 500 site.

3d 00: fancy alifornla. 360 size. 83.6ft: choice California, at) slie. SO cholc Callforni sot size. 8S: limes, per tsjx.

81.75: I --Small lot. Early Ohio, ewf 1: Itouiifl Hhitis 31.20; Netted Gem, S2 ill. (lll.M-US Eraneror. wdut Inrs 33 73! Emtierors. i1rutn, SI; Alui-rls.

fancy b.svy. eg ill Al r. fancy medium, keg. 31s "RA.VdRS.- Navel, fancy. 126 to 200.

33 54 50: choice. 09 cents ler. APPLES -Jonathan, eztr fancy, hog 32 no, Jonthns. chuice bo. 81.00: Delicious, choiri.

U.BOl Jonathans fancy, bo. 82.10; extra fsncv' Iicllcloits. ho 81. 50: Ben fancy. b.rrU v.Vlu 80.50.

1IA.N A.N AS Pom 12cc Jio in-i 1 oaivl1 121 127 167 harlrerre tain players from the big show than any COMMERCIAL LEAGUE. Pryer Alley. W.vman-rrtrliU'e-. I don la 1 Whse. Hestevold 170 212 1061 Coyne 181 213 171 (lllbcrt 187 174 214 177 130 184 Itolelirant 188 143 lis' nnll 170 124 20 Ursnn 171 185 254 185 170 111 1.

1ft, ,1,. 172 178 148 IM 129 154 Isl'ip with TiiIhh, Okla tti the Bos- 12" 1S7 imslaussen 141 151 12N 1SII 1.,, 1SH i i sine 107 10O I Milkers and Springers 810 775 823 ivvt headl K. 60080,0 said, "Do they still talk 60 i'o (to llnndlcap Onto Club In rolo Cleveland. Ohio. Dec.

12. Tb Cincinnati (I 71. 71 I Handicap 57 57 67 Totala Red Si ix. Kremar was purchased The Glutt English of the other applicants for the St. Paul berth.

Nick Allen, veteran catcher for Mil 1,2, lolal. 87 ol ie. Total 782 802 71)8 Polo Hob. Klrtland club of Cleyeiana. and th.

Cl.yeland Troon A Bluea wer. Tic cash and three players, Hpencer St Ulanli.i,. I Ol I Ijltrol! I.ennWk Cut this ad out am sKffJCHK." In 1 I Rals.hider 151 ISM 1(31 I the Saints, also is very much In th H0O QUOrATIOHB. Heavy weight lbs.) hi foi sciimitt 178J42 ni( uniuii' t' lt) ilH uu H'H 4 A Vig.ai4s hki i st-riki lis, an inflelder, and l'itchcrs Ike IKirgan Totals 958 1137 928: 'lolsl tors In thu siternoon (onsoiauon nun the Mld-Wtrn indoor polo tournament. 1 No.

177 189 112 130 141 141 1(11 178 133 110 151 l(l said, "Yep. running for tlx- St. Paul Job. The flel3 tiinaha Hv. I SI leave it at your wife'i Uoehler and Koy Kunz, to go Medium, send uud choice 88.

lO'n 6.40 Medium weight 12(81-250 lbs nomic conditions In Europe, rt is hoped ran-e 1111 191 lilli i.lndmeler bfl Kumtner 197 1 63 187' (inorgo 149 10 158 UtlgtlC 188 9 177 Slcdl HI Hl'J 0.1 i.i" j. 1 I I '1 1 1 1 II I'y Savage- ISisgroie 186 122 1 43 1 89 1 82 Anderson 92 1411 180 Whittlesey 159 149 181 Olson 141 141 IMS Moiidorf has narrowed down to Collins, Cantll t.e iv.o. 1... 1 189 s. tklHiul, by the deal.

Medium, good mid choice 6.10ia 0.40 I WjktAw tuM Tiroes. 191 V.UII l.O IllUUtVll I 1 88 138 USMB 1(10 200 lbs. I 1 Light weight i5 with strenuous drill- plate at breakfast jot iin Briomer 151 189 Jfi .88 Total 808 854 823! Handicap AuMln. Minn deal involving the transfer of Crant 149 131 159 178 12s BMmmt 41 13 4 In no leap Hamilton 138 211 1 15 Mniiistecl 173 154 198' Totals 701 784 6871 Totals fi Austin liorni.l Lealon bass.tball team That made the Glutt sore. He thought ho hsd ridden past at least IT language and a dialect.

In. the AUI lon, Allen and Donle Bush. Latidis Against Millers. Kenesnw M. Landis.

baseball's com Al I )U 11 1 Tola I 830 863 lights rt the scafcon IvaB for a reported wntlderatlon rem form to at IT'i lot ininning MABKET8. the Lnllcii atatei liun-uu of iMliallaaal (er here Thursday. Tb. against the Iml utn til Handicap 6T1 00 (15 69 59 59 ro i-noiee it 3, Picking hogs. sniiHith -TTilSrir 6.00 (10 a nd tho transfer of Johnnj will nlse a stiff schedule tht year.

IB make the change. The city council is to be asked to take official action and If the ttioveme-i la approved an organized drive among the organizations of the city is expected to be launched. r.collnntlcs. I mlssloner, today decided against the Hi 'iL' lll-. r.HC'O .1 WARNER HARDWARE LEAGUE, Y.M.C.A.


downl I Medium to cholc B.50't 0.00 3: Oregon. Ii luiue, so. I He got on his wheel But he is very sullen. That will tell her shi can save worryinj about your gift calling any weekda; Vnngi'ii 122 128 86! Carlson 140 189 149 i nun mm, pus, 130 i. in cm ck Prep Sprinter Is (130 IM, downl Commiin (o cltoice 4 ooi( Jersey.

2. Soiif, li'ikot. 1: Wisconsin. 80; v. 3f1nnoia 63: New York.

31: jvnn-srlvanla. Idttho. 7o: Nebraska. 3: North 0. kota.

27; Vlrgina. 1. Total. 4HU. Totals 795 950 884) Tol.ila 800 901 919 Steel A I Hut lor Mfg.

4Jo. Clover 104 100 191 Matnire 200 162 162 161 155 lsoljliini 1114 157 181 Anderson 144 184 Iftl Haillle 155 186 108 Hoott 15ft 137 Kin tinsel 184 168 171 firow 1411 171 17oj)avis 174 158 20S Handlcao (13 03 01 Hiunlb'SO 72 72 72 Totsl 808 8(10 9ISI Totals 651 90,5 (812 1'IHsbury flour I Norlhlnnd Milk Cros 170 183 114 Hlce 181 201 044 riigrrstroa 152 1911 137. Whit 168 182 KIP bobbin 112 170 1 IHSiiirilner 120 181 182 139 12(1 1KV I mm my 121 109 l'HIThlllen 178 148 1113! Ahrrn 175 21(1 147 In Io 81 31 31 1 Totala Larson lUsselb'f Miller KowleT llHiidicnp OF THE TEAMS. 1(14 175 153 147 11H 1 100 184 127 747 821 7(8) Inibidlnu mines aialnet th. MIsBjaotill OloNi Trottere.

New York Nation). Hopkln. the St. Paul T.M.C.A.. tb Superior.

Ked Peells. Sa Burton' Interntlonl of New York city, Voi. Mpln Bnker. Mndlon. Ilk.

fond iu Uc. and tbo St. Jo. Athletic club of Minneapolis. Kant Strong for Hookey.

VIrelnl. ftc, ll witlT Ot in-nouneed aim of harlns nt least 800 Vlriliila lad uls vim lioek.y br mld.wlnter. the local unit of the Ksne Amateur nssoi'lntloii Groomed for Olympiad stags 1 tn doikagei 5.00. 1 Hoars 1200 Hi, up) ,1.00 Boats 180-160 lbs. 1 3.Wti 4.00 33,564,9097 STANDING The Glutt-Boio Pullcn-llaU Minneapolis baseball club In the case of Pitcher Jim Rudolph and Shortstop Roy pialeway and also will order the Sioux Kalis club of the defunct South B-akota league to return to the Miller club the I num.

of $1,000 which it paid for the players. Landis awarded the two young- (iters to the Detroit Tigers. John McCrwdy, scout of the Detroit Proposed 1924 Nebraska, California Game Doubtful Totals 169 80S 7871 35 until 10 P. M. at Sporting Goods Hardware 161 173 1391.1.

Olson Iloroba 107 140 199 INDEPENDENT LEAGUE. Futt Latlour A. ley. Alhrecht-11 "line I Nelson Tea Melnd Ili2 189 1071 Johnson 178 1511 189 Khoade 22ll 143 I37i Carlson 201 218) 168 Jones 141 109 lllll Olson 150 184 1N7 l'eaisidy 211 uu Ilw Aaai'iea 209 201 172 Flske 164 1 82 1 711 Southard 183 203 Handicap 1 1 1 Total 901 ls(7 922 Totals 90S 814 741 Hostoulan lub I J. A.

fa*gerlee nsoti 185 150 206 Swanaon 202 171 147 Krkherg 102 1(17 1731 Mliirstrom 1(17 192 148 Manuel 1 1t; 110 137, Tillman 209 19(1 111 ho*rnlng 175 192 1871 Anderson IM 222 191 Carlson ion 17s ii; arlsdm 197 201 201 Total 8(14 818 13311 Total 038 983 850 I'hll OnUn I Motor lttn Pelcrson 190 172 1 70 ee 192 180 216 Igren 178 1 64 W4l Thels H9 107 Moran 151 imi 107 l.ov 211 im Ohlln Kill 122 147' Johnson 214 171 2(17 Mrl'onvlU 174 158 1651 Nelson 175 158 York. Dec, 12. Francis Hussey, 1.111 i.i jn mi r.n pesant high school sensational 1 111, ic man 178 16(1 201 -Smith 202 203 181 and St. Paul. Dee.

1 liiouln demand nnd moi-enieut lnw. mr-kel dull. ver ffw Carload, aale freight only dedimtedl. Mlnneanolli Si. 1.

ul rto, mind white, sacked cwt. 8. No I. lted Kher V.lloy delivered (freight only dedoctedi. head rate.

Red Hiver Ohio, aaekeil cwt 8. L.oH.n,.rk?t', 148 140 101 130 130 130 163 on ion 158 I'M 1N7 750 "70 82(1 TREND OF HOG MARKET. Thnrsiliiv Mostly 25c lower. Frlds' AUiut tedv. About steadr Slonilnv -Mostly 25 cents lower.

Tuesday- Practically steady. Wednesday Steady, souls 10c higher. Hiinillctip ill ill ill 'Handicap Nosker M. olaon Tlscher Waldoii Hand I rati Totals 13(1 121 ln.Hlcrnnt 1311 106 Kill Kd olaon 139 140 S4Trmer 118 19,1 134) T. I.nstj 11 11 11 Total 088 791 711 Is being groomed as a candi- 3d as 30 881 914 980 Totals 837 kw4 Totals The rest of them must be on foot.

The Glutt is going fast and expected to catch the pacing lunch wagon if a freight train blocks the next crossing. Ifor the American Olympic team The Boy i n-eetit: oris Isea tindej th. suonsorsnio or in Vlnflnla Chamlier of onimeree outdoor aivortn inmniUfee win launeb an evtenslte nrncram to make hookey th popular winter pastime of th. entire district. Officers of tb Jettiu con-1st of Roy Casey.

Eveletli. president; Jerry Kdmunda. HHililni. vice president, and Jam Barrett. Vlnlnla.

Mrretary bud trMaurer (year. "Last season Hussey was fed in 9 3-5 seconds for the 100 'I i-l 11 sMkaViaJ LEAGUE. Y. St. 0.

A. Alloy, A. C. Sioux A. Cutting Washington RADIO SETS dash, tying the world's record.

n. 177 a ft Of guaranteed fine first quality, plain col-2 ors and stripes. All sizes. Extra values. 1 TrlE-PLYMOUTH WSi club, signed Rudolph and Maleway to Tiger contracts eaily In July, last, and gave Rudolph a bonus of $000 for attaching hie signature to a contract.

Later, Michael K. Cantlllon, president Of the. South Dakota league, completed a deal with tho Sioux Falls club to sell the two players to the Minneapolis club for $1,000. When the league disbanded Shops 152 1 58 lin Snsosiio 121 192 207 hough this mark was not official- till uclcratc. deoisnd and tin.

veineni Msaeaa NORTHERN STATES POWER LEAGUE. Marthcrn Status Power Alloy. Oroundmen I (lenerntlon (inrdner 1(6) 100 Hiii kelt 118 170 141 Fredericks 151 137 152i llrrnna 152 197 122 I'en rs 160 131) 130 Co lai 123 151 Winters 150 128 isiHwansoa 144 1(19 217 8hi'nretit 132 102 1211 linintnond 128 13(1 148 Handicap 11 11 lllllandlcap 17 if 17 Totals 713 718 704 Totals 702 812 790 Jotals 8.1I 70(1 7ii Toiall 949 8111034 1 Kami, rok llange. Hulk. 1...

1. 6.7541 6.50 5.754(6,6(1 60 B.75i'6.5fl 5 6.Anr6,2 B0lo.i6.25 6.50f(i6.25 5 SO'ofl 40 5 SOf'i'd 25 LdOrnl.OO 7.2048.00 Carl Sawyer, Former Miller, Goes to Wichita Tlnnsday Krldav Saturday Monday Tuesday Wedtiesdcy Var 11 is. iimm si'rn cwt. ho i icepted by the amateur cornmis Nelson ie. Liii'ed Slates No.

1. 31 I Io wis-. Los Angeles, Dec. 12. No definite agreement had been reached late last night between the University of Southern California and the University of Nebraska for a Thanksgiving day grid-Iron game between teams of the two institutions next season, According to (Swynn Wilson, graduate manager of U.

the schedules of both teams are so arranged that a game on home grounds on Thanksgiving day is desirable, and it is therefore Improbable that a giuito between the two In-atltuUona will take place next season. Mean a mh sii" si. rill uagora. an.) v. ti It stamped the youngster as i 120 115 114 'Holmgren 115 03 121 Johnson 171 170 1(1 (inrg 117 166 1(10! Olson 670 704 7091 Totals whit.

1'uiled Stairs Da 1 lllll IKi." E3 Lake St. at 5th Av ROYAL WOMEN 3 LEAGUE. Calhoun Alloys. Happy rivm- lie nero 94 111 10N'(). llTusoa 128 181 208 imhlberl Totals fflnd." He performed conwistently "Si1 Wver Ohio.

l7nlti Rtate So. iiud rijrtl mijcl. fi1.10: Idaho s. keil cwt. Ritseeis.

1 ii I rl MLilea 1 sii-ter Reader I Auiiltin liitnmer around 10 seconds for the leos Angeles, Dec. 12. Carl Sawyer, (eilur Mlnii' lnha Kennedy Bros. Sporting Cooaf Excliaiuily 326 Nicollet Ave. ISO 1,18 188 Holler I ifce latter iart of July, Rudolph report nil 125 IS" 156 175 152 117 192 1311 171 717 830 189 I 1811 192 17.1 193 IPS 153 149 HIT 210 182 156 147 lllf 145 8 Vat 850.

ma, Wacliller 153 115 Ht9( Ili rglund Krlesel 114 13s1 nrownell If kprlnt. He will cunflno his rs O.King 1175 to 1 S5. burel rs Biking cd. (lierMt offering 81.60 to 81 70. id to the Bay City club of the Michigan- of 'he Wrnon club, formerly nf Minno- 162 177 176 O'llrlen 118 12ft 178 I Norton "Setting tin 118 139 lli.llornu ties this winter in schnlasllc having many invitations lo cum- Ontario In MMtMMW wltli in-1 npous, nas rwen iniuw sy assw 133 91 Dili Tenner 90 49 101 117 107 85I M.

Bender 1(18 127 100 Jt 183 11M II Miiiler 1(18 127 1(18 108 124 II81M, Ilenler 12o 77 105 25 26 aV fishes 02 121 1(17 CU9 Oil oillHoudicap 9 8 6 'lots i IU 046.098. OtJOTATIONS rlaughter Sheep and, Lamb. J.aBihs (H4 lbs. downl Medina to prime llo SO 1" Vi 1- cult and rniumon HOO41IO.OO Yearling wether. Medium to prlnsf T.SOlalO,, .1 3 ..1 Od.

ami. 'mi3Bfi 13:1 164 1 781 lorgiiw8i 1(19 1:11 147 118 WIIIHusebo 180 160 142'Wllaoti 144 16i ISSlNwaiison ft 7JA 8lil, I. dornson Vd-rson Scrll Velson Tiilaia 8 BAsem*nT STORE 'ML I -l yyfiN rn ()2 131 1 1" Huri-i'ss Si'lnivlef 164 147 1 8H lirlcksoa lleeble 201 137 197llttina Handlcae 12 13 12 llnndlcap total 164 064 Rial ToUla 140 13 189 landtcBp tor Llvprpon' Modri trsde naul'i tn int. Hudion and 't: Total i.ims. uncrs m- 1 Indoor maata Iltruetlons from Bcout McCreii'ly of ttkt Ivan club of the Western league pstroit Maleway, however, Joined Outfielder Conlaa of Wjchit4 100 690 837 I'atlwi ua tu(iic4 aawiU4 aaaia.

1 4 i.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.